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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Code Against Identity Theft

This is a guest post by the author of the LifeLock blog

Identity TheftIdentity Theft is a crime. It is done when an impostor obtain pieces of personal identifying informations like your name, credit card number, Social Security number without your permission. This is also called ID Theft. Some identity theft victims resolved this problem quickly, but there are some who spend so much money in repairing their good names and credit record.

There are two type of Identity Theft or Fraud:
  • Financial Fraud – this includes bank fraud, social program fraud, tax refund fraud, computer or telecommunications fraud, mail fraud and many more. This is the most prevalent type of identity theft.
  • Criminal Activities – this involves taking someone else's identity to in order to commit a crime, hide one's own identity, get special permits, enter a country, or commit acts of terrorism.
How can we protect ourselves from Identity theft?
  • Delete any suspicious emails from organizations requesting personal information from you
  • Be extra vigilant when giving out personal information
  • Shred all personal information before throwing it away in your rubbish
  • If you move house, make sure you tell your bank and other organizations in advance
  • Tell USPS if you suspect your mail is going missing
Be aware! Identity thieves can take over your identity and conduct a wide range of crimes. Many people do not realize how easy for the criminals to obtain our personal data. Fraud incidents have increased over the past few years. Each of us is at risk, but we must secure our elder parents' and also our children's identities. Secure them and choose Lifelock promo code BUDGET

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