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Monday, February 2, 2009

Digg topics: Marijuana, Springsteen, Global warming

Czech president: "I don't think there is any global warming"

greenfyre said:

yacinebouatrous said:
Coming from the same guy who said that green energy supporters are like the communists and should be wiped off! not really surprising

Michael Phelps Bong Picture: Olympic Champion Smokes Weed!

Legalize marijuana. Let Phelps hit the bong. Just like there are drunks, there are potheads. So what. It's not dangerous enough to ban.

Michael Phelps' "Aggressive Grip" of Playboy Girl
Answers that question, guess he's not classy (response to similarly worded comment ending in "gay")

NYT - Bruce Springsteen - The Rock Laureate
I was blindsided at work Friday, when I wanted to outrage my fellow employees about how I heard ClearChannel was trying to blacklist Da Boss, but they were unsympathetic because they already heard he was doing business with Wal-Mart. Huh?

Bruce Springsteen’s Super Bowl Beer Cocktail
It's a shot of apricot brandy in a beer, both on sale at Wal-Mart! What!? What!? Ohhhh!

ABC News: Is Salvia the Next Marijuana?
I beg to differ. Doing saliva has always been hip with kids since hormones were invented. They just start kissing and their mouths begin to water. What? Salvia? Oh.
Salvia is a short-lasting hallucinogen, apparently. You just chew or smoke the Mexican forest shrub's leaves dried or fresh. Advocates say it will blow your mind, it's so great. Opponents say it is extremely dangerous, kills, Mexican and is coming for your children. Florida i think passed a law calling for 5 years in the slammer just for possessing it. Sounds kind of extreme for such a innocuous agent. But you must understand: it's Mexican.

ABC News: Buzz Kill: Lead-Tainted Pot Poisons Users

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