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ACS Quick Start Guide

Install and run ACS on Linux Red Enterprise 4 update 1 (or also
Scientific Linux)
in a few easy steps!

ACS contains also the ALMA Archive already integrated in the provided


Red Hat Enterprise / Scientific Linux

Instructions to install and configure Red Hat Enterprise or Scientific Linux
for usage with ACS are available here:

You can also get fom us a ready to install CD with all needed rpm packages
and kikstart configuration.

Red Hat 9

The best is to perform a Full Server type installation of the operating system.

A proper Linux installation procedure can be found in the

href="../Docs/Vltsw/VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-2009-3.0.pdf">ESO Common Software Linux
Installation Manual

During the transition from RH 9 to RH Enterprise we will support ACS installation
also on RH 9, using mostly the tools for ACS 4.1.

If you want to install on a RH 9 machine and if you didn't perform a full
installation, be aware that you must have the following packages installed:

    class=GramE>pdksh 5.2.14-13

    glibc-devel 2.2.4-13

    kernel-source 2.4.7-10

    tcl and tk-8.4

  (versions as indicated above or higher)

A RH 9.0 installation from the orginal distribution has to be patched with
at least the following two patches:

For more details and to download these patches look at the following wiki discussion:

If some one doesn't want to use patches she/he has to set the environment variable
LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.18 (export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.18), but without these
patches you might have problems with other applications.

The package includes a binary installation of gcc 3.4.1 and it is not necessary
to have the compiler pre-installed..

Create the / class=GramE>alma

This directory must exist in order to use the binary distribution of
the GNU tools and tcl/tk contained in the ACS binaries, but it can be a symbolic
link, like style='font-size:10.0pt'>/ style='font-size:10.0pt'>almastyle='font-size:10.0pt'> -> /scratch/amchavan/alma/,
but it must be in the root directory and it must point to a directory writable
by you. If you are re-installing the same major.minor
version of ACS, first clean up the old installation or back it up, for example:

> class=GramE>rm -rf /alma/ACS-6.0

You will need approx. 1.6GByte of disk space.

If you don'y have root privileges you'll need to ask
your sysadmin to create the style='font-size:10.0pt'>/ style='font-size:10.0pt'>alma directory
(or link) for you.

Retrieve the installation tarball

Download the ACS installation LGPL for (ACS.tar.gz)
or the NO-LGPL + RTOS (requires access password) where you have another 1class=SpellE> GByte of available disk space.

These files contain a corresponding full installation of ACS built with no
debugging options.

Install ACS

Very easy:

   class=SpellE>cd /

   class=SpellE> > gtar zxpf <...>/ACS.tar.gz

where <...> is the path to the downloaded installation
file. This will create and populate the style='font-size:10.0pt'>/alma/ACS-6.0.


If you are upgrading a pre-existing ACS installation, do not forget to remove
any INTROOT you might have. You will need to create a new clean INTROOT after
the upgrade.


Set up your ACS developent environment

Again quite easy: get the file defining the environment and source it.

Note: you must be using bash
for this step (or convert the bash files into your own preferred shell).

   class=GramE> > cp -r /alma/ACS-6.0/ACSSW/config/.acs $HOME

style='font-size:10.0pt'>   > . $HOME/. class=SpellE>acs/.bash_profile.acs

You can also include the sourcing in your session startup file, or define an
alias like

   class=GramE> > alias acssetup=". $HOME/. class=SpellE>acs/.bash_profile.acs" 

Verify your ACS installation

You can now perform a number of steps to verify if the installation was successfully
completed. The steps include starting a number of services and two interactive
clients; if all goes well, you should see no error messages in the console logs.

  • Make sure your style='font-size:10.0pt'>DISPLAY variable is correctly set.

  • Open a terminal window, href="#setup">source your ACS profile, and launch the

   class=SpellE> > acsStart


   > acsStartContainer
-cpp bilboContainer

   class=SpellE> > objexp &

   class=SpellE>> acsStartJava alma.acsabeans.examples.PSPanel.PSPanel

The two last lines launch interactive applications you can play with.

Shutdown ACS

  • Exit the two interactive applications.

  • Launch the following command from the second terminal
    window to shutdown the whole ACS.

   class=SpellE> > acsStop

Note that some exceptions may be generated upon shutdown, like

2003-02-20T16:53:42.503 (7905|1024) EXCEPTION,
Unable to unbind object...

Such exceptions may or may not be a problem; the above example shows a non-critical

Download ACS sources

This binary distribution does not contain sources.

Sources can be extracted from CVS or downloaded from the CD directory class=SpellE>strucure.

The file class=SpellE>ACSsources.tar.gz (35Mb) contains the sources.

Upgrade from LGPL to NO-LGPL

The public binary distribution is LGPL. Binary NO-LGPL distributions
are available only internally.

If you want to upgrade or simply build the NO-LGPL tools, download the
ACS NO-LGPL sources from the full installation, NO-LGPL directory tree (using
proper login and PWD):

and issue the following commands:

> gtar -xzf ACSsources.tar.gz

> cd ACS

> make MODULES="NO-LGPL/sla NO-LGPL/cfitsio NO-LGPL/fftw" checkModuleTree

If you want also to build the modules to support real time linux, add also
the modules NO-LGPL/rtos/rtdevio and NO-LGPL/rtos/rtlog to the list:

> make MODULES="NO-LGPL/sla NO-LGPL/cfitsio NO-LGPL/fftw NO-LGPL/rtos/lkm
NO-LGPL/rtos/rtlog NO-LGPL/rtos/rtdevio NO-LGPL/rtos/rtTest" checkModuleTree

For more details about RTOS installation and issues look at the "ACS

If you are upgrading a machine that uses DHCP

If you are upgrading a machine that uses DHCP and is configured to use the
acsDHCPBoot script, check your /etc/rc.d/init.d file and update there the path
to the acsDHCPBoot file for the new ACS version.

For more details look at the "How
do I setup DHCP
" ACS FAQ and at the acsDHCPBoot man page.


href="">Send comments
to <Gianluca Chiozzi>

Last modified: 2005-11-29,  class=spelle>G.Chiozzi

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