Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Os fogos anunciam a chegada de um ano novo !
É hora de refazer seus sonhos ainda não realizados
e acreditar que irá concretizá-los.
Soltar um olhar solidário e acalentador para os seus amigos e bocejar para os inimigos.
Aprender com os erros do ano já ido e brindar com um sorriso o ano bem vindo.
Correr ao encontro daquele amor ainda não perdido
ou surpreender mais uma vez o amor já conquistado.
Desejo a você um ano repleto de luz, amor, saúde e prosperidade.
Mexican Jumping Bean « Queer Fresno - A local gay blog
A short, fun blog by a gay man I don't know personally expressing thanks to two men in his life for getting legally married to one another. Features a picture of himself feeling joy. Very touching.
After coming out I went through a long process of learning to respect our relationships as being just as real as those of our straight parents. That's why I like what this person wrote about himself feeling joy about witnessing a gay marriage.
Death by fire and ice by Greenfyre
Is global warming good because the cold kills? "Let’s look at a heat wave, like the one that killed 52,000 people in Europe in 2003. Now raise it 5 degrees C. Think there will be a difference?"
Calif. Politicians Assailed Over Gay Marriage Support
The proponents of Prop H8 are desperate to get the protests to stop and Prop H8 safe from revision or annulment. Obama's warm embrace of our opponents is devastating, but there are queer things I've been noticing. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed McCain and supported us (oxymoronic, I know) and Dianne Feinstein endorsed Clinton but supported us. Most of my fellow LGBT's supported Clinton, but I liked Obama because I am against entrenched special interests doing whatever they can to set America and the world back for their greed. Could it be that Obama has mistakenly come to identify our cause as an entrenched special interest?
Flickr - Photo Sharing - Israel protestor
Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza: Disturbing Parallels
Israel and Palestine should be one country that is both a Jewish and Islamic state, with equal rights for both.
Day #120 of Daily Song, "Nice Fedora Bro"
Most of the songs are actually very good. Must check this blog. He writes AND performs one song every day. Reminds me of hearing Louis Armstrong's tapes. He had a portable tape recorder he messed with while on the road waiting to play the next gig. He kept everything he did on those tapes, including thousands of spur-of-the-moment songs.

This anti-Obama piece has historical value, especially the list of names for him. I don't get how Obama rode to power on skulls, unless the skulls are those of slain civil rights leaders. As for human sacrifice, untold thousands die every day to support our "way of life."
NASA chief's wife to Obama: Don't fire my husband
"Late on Christmas Eve, one last wish was sent, by e-mail: Please let NASA Administrator Michael Griffin keep his job. It was from his wife. Rebecca Griffin, who works in marketing, sent her message with the subject line "Campaign for Mike" to friends and family."
I Am (So Gay) -- The music video! [Content Warning] — The hilarious and gifted comedian/"World's Only" gay Jewish rapper "Soce, The Elemental Wizard" made this video some time ago, and it has just surpassed its 10,000th play on YouTube. Warning: same sex sexual language and cussing from New York City.
Nothing in this video is really all that shocking. Then again, I don't find "South Park" or "Jerry Springer" all that shocking, so that ought to give you an idea whether or not to check this one out. Is the family out of the room? Roll it!

Menorah mania! - Los Angeles Times
11 incredible Hanukkah Menorah Candle designs. If you like candles, you're going to love this.
Disturbing Anti-Smoking Ad
There ain't nothing like a nicotine buzz the way a cigarette delivers one! A cigarette delivers a maximum blast. Not long after starting smoking, I experienced more frequent lung and throat infections that required antibiotics to treat.
Awakened to Islam in Morocco | Morocco Travel Story
Happy holidays! There's a whole world out there to be a part of.
Rick Warren Doubles Down
Rachel Maddow has the video, and takes Warren to task for the hypocrisy of saying that it's unfair to call his views hateful while simultaneously accusing his critics of hate speech. Moreover, as Rachel notes, Warren flat-out lies about his comments comparing gay marriage to pedophilia and incest.
240 Free Albums, Tracks and Links for Music Mashup Lovers!
"If you're at all interested in sampling, or if you're curious about this fascinating and controversial musical genre, these 18 albums, around 200 tracks and extra bonus links should provide plenty of inspiration!
"I have that block rockin boots album - very killer."
"A great post, really. I've loaded almost all of those tracks up over the last week and have loved the hell out of em"
Earth's Umbral Shadow - NASA Photo — "Here is an impressive sequence showing precisely how the moon passes through the earth's shadow in space to produce a partial eclipse with the typical phases one observes. The photo is surreal and gives one the sensation of 3-D."
A short, fun blog by a gay man I don't know personally expressing thanks to two men in his life for getting legally married to one another. Features a picture of himself feeling joy. Very touching.
After coming out I went through a long process of learning to respect our relationships as being just as real as those of our straight parents. That's why I like what this person wrote about himself feeling joy about witnessing a gay marriage.
Death by fire and ice by Greenfyre
Is global warming good because the cold kills? "Let’s look at a heat wave, like the one that killed 52,000 people in Europe in 2003. Now raise it 5 degrees C. Think there will be a difference?"
Calif. Politicians Assailed Over Gay Marriage Support
The proponents of Prop H8 are desperate to get the protests to stop and Prop H8 safe from revision or annulment. Obama's warm embrace of our opponents is devastating, but there are queer things I've been noticing. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed McCain and supported us (oxymoronic, I know) and Dianne Feinstein endorsed Clinton but supported us. Most of my fellow LGBT's supported Clinton, but I liked Obama because I am against entrenched special interests doing whatever they can to set America and the world back for their greed. Could it be that Obama has mistakenly come to identify our cause as an entrenched special interest?

Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza: Disturbing Parallels
Israel and Palestine should be one country that is both a Jewish and Islamic state, with equal rights for both.
Day #120 of Daily Song, "Nice Fedora Bro"
Most of the songs are actually very good. Must check this blog. He writes AND performs one song every day. Reminds me of hearing Louis Armstrong's tapes. He had a portable tape recorder he messed with while on the road waiting to play the next gig. He kept everything he did on those tapes, including thousands of spur-of-the-moment songs.

This anti-Obama piece has historical value, especially the list of names for him. I don't get how Obama rode to power on skulls, unless the skulls are those of slain civil rights leaders. As for human sacrifice, untold thousands die every day to support our "way of life."
NASA chief's wife to Obama: Don't fire my husband
"Late on Christmas Eve, one last wish was sent, by e-mail: Please let NASA Administrator Michael Griffin keep his job. It was from his wife. Rebecca Griffin, who works in marketing, sent her message with the subject line "Campaign for Mike" to friends and family."
I Am (So Gay) -- The music video! [Content Warning] — The hilarious and gifted comedian/"World's Only" gay Jewish rapper "Soce, The Elemental Wizard" made this video some time ago, and it has just surpassed its 10,000th play on YouTube. Warning: same sex sexual language and cussing from New York City.
Nothing in this video is really all that shocking. Then again, I don't find "South Park" or "Jerry Springer" all that shocking, so that ought to give you an idea whether or not to check this one out. Is the family out of the room? Roll it!

Menorah mania! - Los Angeles Times
11 incredible Hanukkah Menorah Candle designs. If you like candles, you're going to love this.
Disturbing Anti-Smoking Ad
There ain't nothing like a nicotine buzz the way a cigarette delivers one! A cigarette delivers a maximum blast. Not long after starting smoking, I experienced more frequent lung and throat infections that required antibiotics to treat.
Awakened to Islam in Morocco | Morocco Travel Story
Happy holidays! There's a whole world out there to be a part of.
Rick Warren Doubles Down
Rachel Maddow has the video, and takes Warren to task for the hypocrisy of saying that it's unfair to call his views hateful while simultaneously accusing his critics of hate speech. Moreover, as Rachel notes, Warren flat-out lies about his comments comparing gay marriage to pedophilia and incest.
240 Free Albums, Tracks and Links for Music Mashup Lovers!
"If you're at all interested in sampling, or if you're curious about this fascinating and controversial musical genre, these 18 albums, around 200 tracks and extra bonus links should provide plenty of inspiration!
"I have that block rockin boots album - very killer."
"A great post, really. I've loaded almost all of those tracks up over the last week and have loved the hell out of em"
Earth's Umbral Shadow - NASA Photo — "Here is an impressive sequence showing precisely how the moon passes through the earth's shadow in space to produce a partial eclipse with the typical phases one observes. The photo is surreal and gives one the sensation of 3-D."
Clean Slate 5.0 Build 3012

Estilo: Manutenção e Reparo
Tamanho: 7.5 Mb
Formato: Rar
Idioma: Inglês

GOM Player

Outra vantagem do GOM Player é que nele você pode assistir a vídeos antes mesmo deles terem seu conteúdo totalizado, isto é, mesmo enquanto o download estiver em processo.
GOM Player ainda é totalmente personalizável. Escolha, ou até crie, uma skin própria, troque a fonte e a cor das legendas, controle o contraste, brilho e saturação das imagens dos vídeos, selecione codecs a serem utilizados, atalhos no teclado para todas as funções do programa, redução de ruídos de vídeos, ajustes de áudio e muito mais.
Tamanho: 5 Mb
Formato: Rar
Idioma: Inglês

کتوںکی آوازوں میں سالِ نو کی آہٹ جاگتی ہے -- سیّد انور جاوید ہاشمی
ترقی پزیر پسماندہ اقوامِ عالم کے نمائندہ افراد کی جانب سے سالِ نو کی مبارکباد ان لوگوںکے لیے جنہیں حکومت ، دولت میراث میںاور سیاست نسل در نسل برائے استحصالِعامہ ملتی ہے
ہیپی نیو ٹیئرز
مجھے معلوم ہے
نیویارک، لندن ، ماسکو، پیرس کی اور میونخ یا اٹلی کی گلیوں میں
بہت ہنگامہ آرائی ہوئی ہوگی
شراب و ناب چھلکانے کو
انسانوں کے کتنے ہی گروہوں نے زمانے کی طنابیں کھینچ لی ہونگی
وہاں پر لوگ اپنے سارے جذبے ، دھڑ کنیںدل کی
اٹھائے اپنے ہاتھوں میں سڑک پر رقص کرنے آگئے ہوں گے
نیویارک، لندن ، ماسکو، پیرس کی اور میونخ یا اٹلی کی گلیوں میں
بہت ہنگامہ آرائی ہوئی ہوگی
شراب و ناب چھلکانے کو
انسانوں کے کتنے ہی گروہوں نے زمانے کی طنابیں کھینچ لی ہونگی
وہاں پر لوگ اپنے سارے جذبے ، دھڑ کنیںدل کی
اٹھائے اپنے ہاتھوں میں سڑک پر رقص کرنے آگئے ہوں گے
کہیں کوڑے کے اوپر کوئی فاقہ مست بڑھیا
سال کہنہ کی گزرگاہوں سے جاتے
بیتے لمحے دیکھتی ہوگی
کئی دیوانے اُن رسموں کے آئینوں کو چکنا چور کرنے
جو انھیں مدت سے گھیرے ہوں
نئے ماڈل کی گاڑی
شیمپئن اور واڈکا میں مست ہوکر
اپنی محبوبہ کو اگلی سیٹ پر لے کر
جہانِ نو سے بھی آگے گئے ہوں گے
کراچی کی مضافاتی نواحی پست گلیوں میں
جہاں پر کوئٹہ سے آتی برفیلی زمستانی ہوا نے زندگی مفلوج کردی ہے
میں اپنی تیسری دنیا کے لوگوںکی روایت اور کلچر کے لیے
یورپ کے بخشے تحفے میں آئے ہوئے لُنڈا کے کپڑوں میں ٹھٹھرتا ، کپکپاتا
آج تنہا گھومتا ہوں
سالِ نو کو ڈھونڈتا ہوں
لوگ محوِ خواب ہیں یا
زندگی کی تلخیوں کو کوستے ہیں
اور کچھ
کتوںکی آوازوں میں
سالِ نو کی آہٹ جاگتی ہے۔
سال کہنہ کی گزرگاہوں سے جاتے
بیتے لمحے دیکھتی ہوگی
کئی دیوانے اُن رسموں کے آئینوں کو چکنا چور کرنے
جو انھیں مدت سے گھیرے ہوں
نئے ماڈل کی گاڑی
شیمپئن اور واڈکا میں مست ہوکر
اپنی محبوبہ کو اگلی سیٹ پر لے کر
جہانِ نو سے بھی آگے گئے ہوں گے
کراچی کی مضافاتی نواحی پست گلیوں میں
جہاں پر کوئٹہ سے آتی برفیلی زمستانی ہوا نے زندگی مفلوج کردی ہے
میں اپنی تیسری دنیا کے لوگوںکی روایت اور کلچر کے لیے
یورپ کے بخشے تحفے میں آئے ہوئے لُنڈا کے کپڑوں میں ٹھٹھرتا ، کپکپاتا
آج تنہا گھومتا ہوں
سالِ نو کو ڈھونڈتا ہوں
لوگ محوِ خواب ہیں یا
زندگی کی تلخیوں کو کوستے ہیں
اور کچھ
کتوںکی آوازوں میں
سالِ نو کی آہٹ جاگتی ہے۔
سیّد انور جاوید ہاشمی
Elecard MPEG Player v5.5

Tamanho: 5.5 Mb
Formato: Rar
Idioma: Inglês

Alcohol 120% Multilenguaje

Nombre: Alcohol 120%
Medicina: Si
Idioma: Multilenguaje/Español
Tamaño del archivo: 10,25 MB
Uploader: Seba
Covers: front
¿Qué es Alcohol 120%?
Alcohol 120% es una utilidad capaz de grabar CD y DVD y que crea hasta 31 unidades virtuales. Estas unidades virtuales sirven para reproducir desde el disco duro como si tuvieses insertado el DVD o CD en cuestión.
Imagínate la utilidad de esto, sin ir más lejos, tendrás los CD o DVD que más uses “montados” en tu disco duro con lo que te ahorrarás buscarlos, ponerlos y quitarlos cada vez.
Alcohol 120% realiza copias de CD a CD, crea imágenes a disco duro, graba imágenes a CD/DVD, e incluye un buscador para localizar rápidamente las imágenes que se encuentren en tu PC.
Imágenes: refiriéndose a archivos ISO, MDS, CCD, CUE, BWT y CDI (los tipos de imagen creados y usados por CloneCD, Nero Burning Rom y DiscJuggler entre otros además de varios estándar como el formato ISO)
Cambios en Alcohol 120%
Ácido nuevo asistente de "encubrimiento alcohol iniciativa de DRM"
NUEVA Añadir en el menú contextual del explorador para la grabación de archivo de imagen
NUEVA Mejorada de dumping / Grabación de motor de mayor estabilidad y velocidad
NUEVA Últimas capa SPTD versión
| REVISIÓN | Problema con algunos Drives No se muestra correcta identificación de la fabricación de discos en blanco.
REVISIÓN La incorrecta 'Procesador Info' y mostrar en algunos sistemas operativos, especialmente para los Core 2 nuevos procesadores de doble
REVISIÓN abordó algunos problemas de listas negras
Corregir los errores denunciados por algunos usuarios
| Actualización | Algunos ficheros de idioma
| Actualización | Devsupp apoyo adicional para más unidades.
Alcohol 120% Multilenguaje esta con su medicina y libre de cualquier amenaza.

AIMP v2.51 Build 330

Nombre: AIMP v2.51 Build 330
Medicina: No Necesita
Idioma: Multilenguaje/Español
Tamaño del archivo: 3.80 Mb
Uploader: Seba
Covers: front
AiMP2 - es un centro multifuncional de audio.
Gracias a la herramienta incorporada,
usted puede convertir fácilmente música desde un formato a otro registro con un micrófono
u otro dispositivo de audio,
editar etiquetas de los archivos de música,
así como un grupo para cambiar el nombre o tipo ellos.
AiMP2 basado en el conocido motor de audio BASS
- usted puede conectar fácilmente plug-ins de la biblioteca a AIMP.AIMP
- un excelente reproductor de audio con el apoyo de:
la skin,
muchos formatos de música,
además de haber construido herramientas para trabajar con sonido.
AIMP ganó en Año 2007 en las categorías de interfaz y funcionalidad.
Principales ventajas:
La funcionalidad, pequeño tamaño y uso mínimo de recursos del sistema.
Apoyo a un gran número de formatos de música:
MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC / MP +, AAC, AC3, Ogg, FLAC, APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX. ..
18-TY banda de ecualización y efectos de sonido construido:
Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed.
32-bits de procesamiento de audio con el fin de lograr la mejor calidad.
Módulos de apoyo ampliar la funcionalidad.
Usted puede agregar nuevas herramientas y mejorar las existentes, conectar plug-ins de entrada, Gen, DSP de WinAmp.
Apagado del equipo.
Usted puede echarse a dormir bajo música favorita,
el establecimiento de un temporizador para apagar el equipo
o al final del player.
Internet radio. Escuchar y escribir!
Interfaz multilingüe.
Modo multiplayer.
Conversor de audio
. Le permite convertir la música de una variedad de formatos en
wma, mp3, wav, ogg.
Grabaciones de sonido.
Permite grabar sonido de cualquier dispositivo de audio en el sistema
y guardar el formato mp3, ogg, wav y wma.
Editor de etiquetas.
Usted puede editar fácilmente las etiquetas de archivos de audio,
y cambiar el nombre del archivo,
tipo de patrón predeterminado etiquetas o solicitar
el valor a un grupo de archivos.
Representa el organizador de archivos de música,
que le permite ordenar fácilmente su música,
se escucharon composiciones de evaluar,
para desempeñar las estadísticas.
¿Qué hay de nuevo en v2.51 Construir 323 (29.11.2008)
* Mejora de la ergonomía programa
- Corrección:
para archivos *. WV se muestran mal tiempo, en algunos casos
- Corrección:
El B320 no trabajo los efectos de Tempo y Pitch
- Corrección:
En el B320 caso omiso de la opción de modo de 32 bits de procesamiento de sonido
¿Qué hay de nuevo en el AIMP v2.51 Construye 330?
* Actualización: Apoyo a la búsqueda-en hojas de codificación UTF8
- Corregido: Al escuchar la radio por Internet, en algunos casos, la caída
- Corregidos pequeños errores y defectos
AIMP v2.51 Build 330 es completamente gratuito y libre de cualquier amenaza.

NEW YEAR RESO- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
like duh omg you know yea i know right oh my gosh i super duper love twilight you know im super wtf$U!@#(#*@!($&@!(#*@!(
wtf na multiply. nagloko. nung sinave as draft ko, napost. ayan nakita tuloy ng iba. ge.
tsk tsk tsk... sa kasamaang palad, 2009 na. tsk tsk tsk. pero sige, NEW YEAR RESOLUTION!. di naman talaga ako gumagawa nito, sinasabi ko lang sa sarili ko, pero sige lang.
at least once a month! kaya yan. Taon-taon naman kasi, ang new year resolution ko ay magsimba every sunday... na di naman nagagawa. ngayon, let's be realistic. AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH! kayang-kaya no?
2. isa pang DUH. MAG-ARAL!
pero magpakatotoo muli tayo. hmmmm...hindi nalang pala. hahaha
3. puro nalang DUH! MATULOG NANG MAAGA!
pambihira. sawa na 'ko sa sariling pangaral. di ko rin naman sinusunod. kaya sige, magpakatotoo muli. at most, hanggang 1AM lang akong gising dapat! bye bye nocturnal beings
4. eto hindi na yata DUH. NGUMITI!
hahahahaha.. sabi ng ms1 prof ko nga, SMILE IS THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE! odi yan, ngiti, dali! SUPLADO raw ako e. ODI SMILE! haha. de. naglolokohan lang tayo. magsasmile ako kapag...... trip ko! para hindi naman ako mukhang gago.
5. eto isa ulit na DUH. GUMISING NANG MAAGA /slash/ WAG MALELATE!
andami ko na talagang cut. di ko na nabilang. parang regular na, tipong "AY LATE NA NAMAN AKO NAGISING... OK." naaawa na 'ko sa sarili ko. tas kapag papasok ako, saka dun walang pasok. talaga naman o. kaya sige, kaya naman yatang gumising ng ... 6! kakayanin!
ayan malayo sa katotohanan. pero kaya yan. kkkkaaaaayaa. madelete ang multiply ko pag hindi kinaya. WOPS! ayoko at ayo nyo rin. haha. HINDI KO GAWAIN ANG MAGDELETE! bale siguro 30 minutes multiply tas.. 30 mins assignment.. tas 30 mins 2 hrs.. tas 30 minutes assignment. o wag nalang kaya? haha.
7. eto hindi talaga DUH. MAGBAON!
haha. taghirap na RAW ang buhay. kaya sige. magbabaon ako ng pagkain. sa bagay, di rin naman ako gumagastos sa school (66 pesos a day para sa commute!) kaya yun, pampalibang.
8. hinding hindi siya DUH. MAGBASA NG DIYARYO!
ahaha. ayos no? medyo nahihilig na kasi akong makibalita. kada sign out ba naman sa yahoo mail ay may mga news nang nakalagay. so sige, araw-arawin sa school. may 1hr and 30 mins (na imbis lunch) naman para gawin yun sa 3rd World Studies library (epal nga lang kasi nagcoclose 12-1).
9. tama na ang DUH. MAGBLOG!
takte. medyo di na rin ako nakakapagblog pa. ang korni kasi ng buhay. give me the extremes! ge lang.
hinding hindi na po ako cocomment ng masama sa walang ginagawa sa'kin na hindi ko naman kakilala. HINDING-HINDI NA PO! haha. marunong naman ako madala. kung ano pang kaguluhan ang idudulot ko sa mga nagmamahal sa'kin (ulol).
hindi kasi ako madaldal e. hahahaha.o talagang blangko lang lagi ang utak ko. ge nvm.
pakiramdam ko e malaki na ang singil ng globe sa'kin! (oo, nagpaparinig ako. wag na kayong makikitawag! haha), de. grabe, mula dec 8 hanggang ngayon ba namang pagkakagamit ko ng cellphone na ito ay naka 1180 text messages ako. (onti siguro pero hindi kasi ako nag uunli!).
asa. hahaha. asa talaga. ASA! hmmm...(*teka nag-iisip*...pakiramdam ko talaga ay ang bagal na magproseso ng utak ko. ayan. wag akong gayahin! matulog ng maaga!) o basta yun, i'll try. sa philo naman ay medyo umeepal ako. mahirap sa english. hindi kaya ng bibig ko. asa sa ms1. pang intelehente lang dun. asa lalo sa math. asa talaga. sa soc sci 1 nalang (PLEASE MA'AM KUNG NABABASA NIYO TO, FRIEND KO KAYO SA MULTIPLY!, I-UNO NIYO AKO!!!!!)
WOPS! wag mo kong itetext ng GATEWAY DALI! TRINOMA DALI! BONI HIGH DALI! EK DALI!. wtf. iiwas na ako sa paglalakwatsa. IIWAS NA! kailangan AT MOST e ONCE A WEEK nalang. please.
makulay nga daw ang buhay sa sinabawang gulay! TSSSSS. o basta, hangga't may gulay, sige maggugulay. pampalakas rin yan
tama na ang 15. wala na 'kong maisip. ge. lintek. new year.
like duh omg you know yea i know right oh my gosh i super duper love twilight you know im super wtf$U!@#(#*@!($&@!(#*@!(
wtf na multiply. nagloko. nung sinave as draft ko, napost. ayan nakita tuloy ng iba. ge.
tsk tsk tsk... sa kasamaang palad, 2009 na. tsk tsk tsk. pero sige, NEW YEAR RESOLUTION!. di naman talaga ako gumagawa nito, sinasabi ko lang sa sarili ko, pero sige lang.
at least once a month! kaya yan. Taon-taon naman kasi, ang new year resolution ko ay magsimba every sunday... na di naman nagagawa. ngayon, let's be realistic. AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH! kayang-kaya no?
2. isa pang DUH. MAG-ARAL!
pero magpakatotoo muli tayo. hmmmm...hindi nalang pala. hahaha
3. puro nalang DUH! MATULOG NANG MAAGA!
pambihira. sawa na 'ko sa sariling pangaral. di ko rin naman sinusunod. kaya sige, magpakatotoo muli. at most, hanggang 1AM lang akong gising dapat! bye bye nocturnal beings
4. eto hindi na yata DUH. NGUMITI!
hahahahaha.. sabi ng ms1 prof ko nga, SMILE IS THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE! odi yan, ngiti, dali! SUPLADO raw ako e. ODI SMILE! haha. de. naglolokohan lang tayo. magsasmile ako kapag...... trip ko! para hindi naman ako mukhang gago.
5. eto isa ulit na DUH. GUMISING NANG MAAGA /slash/ WAG MALELATE!
andami ko na talagang cut. di ko na nabilang. parang regular na, tipong "AY LATE NA NAMAN AKO NAGISING... OK." naaawa na 'ko sa sarili ko. tas kapag papasok ako, saka dun walang pasok. talaga naman o. kaya sige, kaya naman yatang gumising ng ... 6! kakayanin!
ayan malayo sa katotohanan. pero kaya yan. kkkkaaaaayaa. madelete ang multiply ko pag hindi kinaya. WOPS! ayoko at ayo nyo rin. haha. HINDI KO GAWAIN ANG MAGDELETE! bale siguro 30 minutes multiply tas.. 30 mins assignment.. tas 30 mins 2 hrs.. tas 30 minutes assignment. o wag nalang kaya? haha.
7. eto hindi talaga DUH. MAGBAON!
haha. taghirap na RAW ang buhay. kaya sige. magbabaon ako ng pagkain. sa bagay, di rin naman ako gumagastos sa school (66 pesos a day para sa commute!) kaya yun, pampalibang.
8. hinding hindi siya DUH. MAGBASA NG DIYARYO!
ahaha. ayos no? medyo nahihilig na kasi akong makibalita. kada sign out ba naman sa yahoo mail ay may mga news nang nakalagay. so sige, araw-arawin sa school. may 1hr and 30 mins (na imbis lunch) naman para gawin yun sa 3rd World Studies library (epal nga lang kasi nagcoclose 12-1).
9. tama na ang DUH. MAGBLOG!
takte. medyo di na rin ako nakakapagblog pa. ang korni kasi ng buhay. give me the extremes! ge lang.
hinding hindi na po ako cocomment ng masama sa walang ginagawa sa'kin na hindi ko naman kakilala. HINDING-HINDI NA PO! haha. marunong naman ako madala. kung ano pang kaguluhan ang idudulot ko sa mga nagmamahal sa'kin (ulol).
hindi kasi ako madaldal e. hahahaha.o talagang blangko lang lagi ang utak ko. ge nvm.
pakiramdam ko e malaki na ang singil ng globe sa'kin! (oo, nagpaparinig ako. wag na kayong makikitawag! haha), de. grabe, mula dec 8 hanggang ngayon ba namang pagkakagamit ko ng cellphone na ito ay naka 1180 text messages ako. (onti siguro pero hindi kasi ako nag uunli!).
asa. hahaha. asa talaga. ASA! hmmm...(*teka nag-iisip*...pakiramdam ko talaga ay ang bagal na magproseso ng utak ko. ayan. wag akong gayahin! matulog ng maaga!) o basta yun, i'll try. sa philo naman ay medyo umeepal ako. mahirap sa english. hindi kaya ng bibig ko. asa sa ms1. pang intelehente lang dun. asa lalo sa math. asa talaga. sa soc sci 1 nalang (PLEASE MA'AM KUNG NABABASA NIYO TO, FRIEND KO KAYO SA MULTIPLY!, I-UNO NIYO AKO!!!!!)
WOPS! wag mo kong itetext ng GATEWAY DALI! TRINOMA DALI! BONI HIGH DALI! EK DALI!. wtf. iiwas na ako sa paglalakwatsa. IIWAS NA! kailangan AT MOST e ONCE A WEEK nalang. please.
makulay nga daw ang buhay sa sinabawang gulay! TSSSSS. o basta, hangga't may gulay, sige maggugulay. pampalakas rin yan
tama na ang 15. wala na 'kong maisip. ge. lintek. new year.
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