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Monday, November 27, 2006

The Son Rises

God is always gracious.

First a daughter, now a son. We are balanced and in harmony.

Ian Constant Lin, ( 林 義 安 ) ( 康 盛 )

Né: Los Angeles, California, November 26, 2006, 18:56pm (PST)

7# 20"

Both mother and baby are healthy.


Excited big sister, mommy and fuzzy baby here.


Sweet sister learning how to smile using the typical "cheese," but came sour instead. I like her sweet natural smile. Lil bro couldn't care less and just wanted to go back to sleep.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

State of the consulting industry

Jane Doe and Richard Roe are a couple of consultants discussing and sharing their experiences in the consulting business from their viewpoint.

Jane: "Consulting is not at all what I thought it would be when I started in the field eight years ago."

Richard: "What and how do you think it would be?"

Jane: "My vision was that we would be called in as helpful experts, work with business stakeholders to help them overcome their business problems or get the business to the next level. We would be trusted to analyze every bit of details about their business, uncover the problems and provide recommendations to resolve the problems."

Richard (laughed): "If only it were that easy. I had one like that once, but just once long ago."

"We have to realize that clients call us in for a lot of different reasons only some of which they fully disclose. There were often internal power struggles we may not be aware of. There are also clients who may have heard how wonderful the solutions we had for a different company, and they wanted us to come up with the same solution for them while disregarding the potential adverse effects a similar type of solution may be for their business."

Jane: "So why do consultants have such bad reputations? Many consultants seem to continue to have uphill battles with their clients, where it should have been collaborative. Ideally, we would have the client's good faith trust. After all, we are here to help them succeed in their business and objectives."

Richard: "I think it's because we do the job we think we were hired to do, and maybe that isn't what the client wanted, yet the client may not or does not, for whatever reasons, share in-full their complete objectives in hiring us as their consultants. Even when we find clients who do want us to succeed in helping them, but if no one else in their organizations really cares then we'll find they won't work with us. Sometimes they feel threatened and actually work against us."

Jane said, "Sure, but are we ever the cause of the problem?"

Richard: "Sure."

"It's all simply because consultants are usually seen as outsiders. And the fact as business cost factor, we are pricier than employees—never mind that we are also often better, specialized helps."

"Moreover, we do make mistakes just like anyone else. Unfortunately, once we make mistakes, no matter how trivial it may be, the odds are stacked against us much heavier than even when there had been no mistake. It takes an astronomic remedial effort and outstanding result just to get back to the original standing we had to begin with the client."

Amusement park

Amusement park (also called theme park) is the generic term for a collection of rides and other entertainment attractions assembled for the purpose of entertaining a fairly large group of people. An amusement park is more elaborate than a simple city park or playground, as an amusement park is meant to cater to adults, teenagers, and small children.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

To be free ...


آری بسان گنگیم در بند برده داریم - چشمی به دل نداریم سر به گریبان گیریم
گر عمری بباشد شاید به فکر روزی ایم - کز گمراهان عاجل حالی برده گیریم

ای صاحبدل! بندهای عاشقی از سر وا بنه
که برده دار خود ابربرده ای بیش نیست
گر خواهی به آزادگی رسی
هر روز بندی از بندهای بردگی وا بنه

Friday, November 17, 2006

intramurals to convocation day

from the three-day thrilling, exciting, challenging and most especially fun Intramurals...
the day for physical competitions....

now comes the Convocation day...
the day to award those who excelled in their mental abilities and discipline...

actually I was disappointed of the results...

I was still the top 4 in class yet I'm sad.

That's because I think I gave (forgive me if I sound boastful... If ever i will be) extra effort this past quarter. I expected for a higher place in the top 10 in academics.


maybe I'll just have to accept it.

I'm just happy that I received my deportment pin ^YAH____OO^

I plan on giving less effort this quarter. I got tired of the IAC and I am also tired of studying hard and yet gaining none . buti pa yung petiks na nangongopya lang. easy easy at nakakapasa!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006