Welcome to the September 21, 2007 edition of Carnival of Everything Finance.
We had over 60 really good articles submitted for this edition.
Editor favorites have "*" on them.
iwehelp presents How to Make Money from Tumri? posted at iWeHelp.
Robinson Go presents Optimize Your AdSense Income by Spreading Content to Multiple Pages posted at Robinson Go dot Com, saying, "Applying Finance Principles in Google AdSense. Increase your Income now!"
Gustav S presents 7 Lessons to Increase your Productivity and Efficiency a la Personal Growth Style posted at success-is-in-you.com.
*Jimmy Atkinson presents 25 Most Influential Investing Blogs (By the Numbers) posted at Ask the Advisor.
Wealth Building Lessons presents Wealth Building Lessons » Blog Archive » Are Vacation Rentals A Good Investment? posted at Wealth Building Lessons, saying, "Wealth Building Lessons spends a few days at a Vacation Rental in Vegas and decides to find out whether they make a good investment or not"
ChristianPF presents The best money advice of all time posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "According to MONEY magazine, this is the best money advice from some of the wisest people who have lived."
Leon Gettler presents CFO pessimism grows posted at Sox First, saying, "The market is in turmoil and CFOs are increasingly gloomy about the US economy’s prospect as warning continue that the US will slip into recession."
FIRE Getters presents Investment Risks at a Glance posted at FIRE Finance.
AdamF presents 5 Traits of a Successful Investor posted at The Investor's Journal, saying, "Five universal traits that all successful investors possess. You need to have these traits, regardless of your investing strategy."
Jacob Gorban presents My day-trading lessons posted at Small Business Lessons.
Steve Faber presents - How to Avoid Foreclosure posted at DebtBlog.
*bluskygirl presents How To Save Money, Even When You Think you Can?t! posted at Goddess, saying, "Some simple tips and tricks that can help you save money without putting a pinch on your wallet."
*paidtwice presents You never know until you ask posted at I've Paid For This Twice Already..., saying, "Asking for a discount can really save you money!"
KCLau presents Analyze Income & Expenses Flow in Your Life with Practical Advices posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Study your income and expenses trend. There are some unforeseen circumstances that need preparation. Sometimes your income may drop. Sometimes your expenses just shoot over the roof when least expected."
Mr Credit Card presents Shopping For Apple iPod Docking Station With Reward Points (Ask Mr Credit Card’s Blog) posted at Ask Mr Credit Card's Blog.
Annette Berlin presents 20 Ways to Save Money on Clothes posted at Frugal Journey, saying, "My family hardly spends an money on clothes, and yet, we always look well dressed. It’s easy, if you know what you’re doing. Here are some tips to get you on the right track."
Colin Robertson presents Five Credit Card Fees You Can Avoid posted at The Truth About Credit Cards.com.
Beno Varghese presents Good Credit Card? Bad Credit Card? posted at Beno Varghese dot-com.
Dean presents The Latte Factor: Starbucks is Evil posted at Mr. Cheap Stuff, saying, "Why Starbucks is destroying your savings."
Tate Dwinnell presents IPO Watchlist - SelfInvestors Top 20 posted at Trading Stocks - Self Investors.
Michael Chu presents What is a Good Situation to Own a House posted at Make Money Online with Knighty Night's Talk.
Bryan C. Fleming presents Million Dollar Savings Club Turns 1 Year Old: One Man’s Journey posted at Bryan C. Fleming, saying, "Look back on my 1 year journey of saving $1 per day. The amazing part is I don't have just $365. I've got well over $1,000!"
Tim presents Reverse Mortgages in Down Housing Markets posted at Reverse Mortgage Information
Dan Melson presents 100% Financing or Low Down Payment or Low Equity: PMI May Be The Only Option posted at Searchlight Crusade.
*Millionaire Mommy Next Door presents Reduce The Bonehead Factor - And Save Money - With These Souvenir Strategies posted at Millionaire Mommy Next Door, saying, "With the advent of online shopping, you don't need to travel to Key West to load up on painted seashells or T-shirts emblazoned with “My friend went to Key West and all I got was this tacky T-shirt”. Still, throbs of folks spend hard-earned cash and valuable vacation time spilling in and out of souvenir shops, loading up on knick knacks stamped with “Made in China”, as proof that they went to Florida and drank enough Margaritas to exercise such bad judgment. Read about my top 7 souvenir strategies."
Jason Elder presents File for Bankruptcy - Personal Bankruptcy Reasons posted at A Bankruptcy Lawyer's Blog, saying, "When is filing for bankruptcy the only way out? People often wonder under what circumstances they should actually file bankruptcy. Here are some simple guidelines that can assist you in making that decision."
Aaron Wakling presents FICO Score - Understanding Your FICO Credit Score posted at The Credit & Credit Card Blog, saying, "Your FICO score is a vital component of managing your finances. This is the number used by the credit bureaus to determine how good your credit is. The FICO scoring system can appear to be pretty complicated if you do not know how it works."
Eric Hudin presents My Estate Planning Career Blog » Blog Archive » Jumbo IRA or Pension - 5 Major Income and Tax Advantages of an LAP Plan posted at My Estate Planning Career Blog, saying, "Do you have a jumbo IRA or pension plan? In the next 2 minutes you will learn how to increase your spendable income while you live and keep it from being taxed as much as 75% after you die!"
Allen Taylor presents On The Quick and Easy Path To Achieving Trading Mastery posted at Investing World Today, saying, "Many books on trading psychology refer to the steps involved in achieving trading mastery. This is usually presented as five steps, starting from beginner, through novice, and finally becoming an expert, or master."
Tim Ramsey presents Debt Settlement - Nothing but the Facts posted at My Debt Relief Blog, saying, "Bankruptcy filings have jumped nearly 17% during the month of August 2007. Unfortunately, this news is not surprising; after all, foreclosures are at an all-time high and credit card debt is skyrocketing. If you're in a situation where youre barely able to keep your head above water, you may be considering debt settlement. Read on for some very important information regarding this form of debt relief."
Eric Stanley presents Retirement Planning - Do You Know If You Have Enough? posted at Personal Finance Blog Articles, saying, "Have you been saving enough for your retirement? Well, if you’re like the large majority of people, the answer is not really."
Thomas Humes presents Retirement Planning - This Simple Rule Can Make it Easy for Baby Boomers posted at Wealth Building World, saying, "For many, the thought of retirement planning makes people queasy. A study by the Savings Council shows that Most American’s spend more time planning a two-week vacation than planning their retirement. Saving and investing for retirement can be intimidating."
Steve Faber presents - What Do Those Terms on Your Auto Lease Mean? posted at DebtBlog.
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Taxing Times posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.
Dax Desai presents Google Spreadsheets - Part Deux posted at Dax Desai, saying, "Gives real world account of the powerful collaboration features of Google Spreadsheets."
*Kyle James presents Gender and Money: Do Men and Women Deal With Finances Differently? posted at Rather-Be-Shopping.com Blog, saying, "Differences in how men and women handle their finances."
Empty Spaces presents New Coin Purchase posted at Adventures in Money Making, saying, "Adventures in Money Making looks at why the dollar is devaluing and how to hedge against it."
Sagar Satapathy presents Top 50 Christian Business and Finance Blogs posted at Bootstrapper.
*plonkee presents budgeting for irregular expenses posted at plonkee money, saying, "How to budget for things that only come up occasionally."
Priya Jestin presents 12 Easy Personal Fashion Rules to Increase Your Earning 12% posted at Bootstrapper.
Tom Hanna presents Financial Roadmap September 17 to 21, 2007 posted at Financial Options, saying, "Excerpt: The story this week will be all about the Federal Reserve on Tuesday and oil markets on Wednesday. With markets expecting a 25-50 basis point (0.25%-0.50%) drop in the federal funds rate from Tuesday’s meeting of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee, another month with no rate reduction would be a crushing blow to the stock market and bond yields. A quarter percent cut will leave markets in the doldrums at best until the next Fed meeting, though it may give a short term boost."
*Edith Yeung presents The Money Series – Books that You Just Cannot Miss posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act..
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Curb Your "Age Of Turbulence" Enthusiasm posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
Jimmy Atkinson presents 25 Most Influential Personal Finance Bloggers (By the Numbers) posted at Ask the Advisor.
Admin presents Google cashing in on widget craze posted at Anything Goes & General News, saying, "Google Inc. will try to cash in on the Internet's latest craze by distributing ads within "widgets" — the interactive capsules designed to bring more pizzaz to Web pages. The move, scheduled to be announced Wednesday, represents Google's first attempt to make money off a trend that the online search leader has helped popularize. The Mountain View-based company has for two years offered a platform showcasing small modules, known generally as widgets, that blend data, text, images and software programs."
If you like my post, subscribe to My Feed
We had over 60 really good articles submitted for this edition.
Editor favorites have "*" on them.
Earning Money
*SavingWithMe presents 6 Small Businesses I Should Have Started In College posted at Saving With Me.iwehelp presents How to Make Money from Tumri? posted at iWeHelp.
Robinson Go presents Optimize Your AdSense Income by Spreading Content to Multiple Pages posted at Robinson Go dot Com, saying, "Applying Finance Principles in Google AdSense. Increase your Income now!"
Gustav S presents 7 Lessons to Increase your Productivity and Efficiency a la Personal Growth Style posted at success-is-in-you.com.
AdamF presents How to Avoid Market Corrections and Crashes posted at The Investor's Journal, saying, "Techniques I developed that helped me avoid two market corrections in 2007. (check the image at the bottom of the article for a line graph of my performance vs the s&p 500)"*Jimmy Atkinson presents 25 Most Influential Investing Blogs (By the Numbers) posted at Ask the Advisor.
Wealth Building Lessons presents Wealth Building Lessons » Blog Archive » Are Vacation Rentals A Good Investment? posted at Wealth Building Lessons, saying, "Wealth Building Lessons spends a few days at a Vacation Rental in Vegas and decides to find out whether they make a good investment or not"
ChristianPF presents The best money advice of all time posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "According to MONEY magazine, this is the best money advice from some of the wisest people who have lived."
Leon Gettler presents CFO pessimism grows posted at Sox First, saying, "The market is in turmoil and CFOs are increasingly gloomy about the US economy’s prospect as warning continue that the US will slip into recession."
FIRE Getters presents Investment Risks at a Glance posted at FIRE Finance.
AdamF presents 5 Traits of a Successful Investor posted at The Investor's Journal, saying, "Five universal traits that all successful investors possess. You need to have these traits, regardless of your investing strategy."
Jacob Gorban presents My day-trading lessons posted at Small Business Lessons.
Real Estate & Mortgage
John Crenshaw presents Is That The President?s Hand In Your Pocket Or Are You Just Happy To See Me? posted at John Crenshaw dot Net.Steve Faber presents - How to Avoid Foreclosure posted at DebtBlog.
Saving Money
Daniel Roach presents Life on a Budget: the Grift on the Gift posted at Daniel Roach.Org, saying, "An easy way to survive the self discipline of life on a budget."*bluskygirl presents How To Save Money, Even When You Think you Can?t! posted at Goddess, saying, "Some simple tips and tricks that can help you save money without putting a pinch on your wallet."
*paidtwice presents You never know until you ask posted at I've Paid For This Twice Already..., saying, "Asking for a discount can really save you money!"
KCLau presents Analyze Income & Expenses Flow in Your Life with Practical Advices posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Study your income and expenses trend. There are some unforeseen circumstances that need preparation. Sometimes your income may drop. Sometimes your expenses just shoot over the roof when least expected."
Mr Credit Card presents Shopping For Apple iPod Docking Station With Reward Points (Ask Mr Credit Card’s Blog) posted at Ask Mr Credit Card's Blog.
Annette Berlin presents 20 Ways to Save Money on Clothes posted at Frugal Journey, saying, "My family hardly spends an money on clothes, and yet, we always look well dressed. It’s easy, if you know what you’re doing. Here are some tips to get you on the right track."
*Frugal Panda presents Top 100 Blogs to Help You Find Free Stuff posted at Frugal Panda.Spending Wisely
Robert D Flach presents BUY OR LEASE – THAT IS THE QUESTION posted at THE WANDERING TAX PRO.Colin Robertson presents Five Credit Card Fees You Can Avoid posted at The Truth About Credit Cards.com.
Beno Varghese presents Good Credit Card? Bad Credit Card? posted at Beno Varghese dot-com.
Dean presents The Latte Factor: Starbucks is Evil posted at Mr. Cheap Stuff, saying, "Why Starbucks is destroying your savings."
Super Saver presents My Core Long Term Stock Holdings posted at My Wealth Builder.Tate Dwinnell presents IPO Watchlist - SelfInvestors Top 20 posted at Trading Stocks - Self Investors.
Everything Else Finance
Wanda Grindstaff presents Prosperity and Abundance is Your Birthright posted at Creating Abundant Lifestyles.Michael Chu presents What is a Good Situation to Own a House posted at Make Money Online with Knighty Night's Talk.
R.Pettinger presents How To Get the Better of Multinational Companies posted at Mortgage Blog, saying, "How to save money and avoid unnecessary expenditure"
Bryan C. Fleming presents Million Dollar Savings Club Turns 1 Year Old: One Man’s Journey posted at Bryan C. Fleming, saying, "Look back on my 1 year journey of saving $1 per day. The amazing part is I don't have just $365. I've got well over $1,000!"
Tim presents Reverse Mortgages in Down Housing Markets posted at Reverse Mortgage Information
Dan Melson presents 100% Financing or Low Down Payment or Low Equity: PMI May Be The Only Option posted at Searchlight Crusade.
*Millionaire Mommy Next Door presents Reduce The Bonehead Factor - And Save Money - With These Souvenir Strategies posted at Millionaire Mommy Next Door, saying, "With the advent of online shopping, you don't need to travel to Key West to load up on painted seashells or T-shirts emblazoned with “My friend went to Key West and all I got was this tacky T-shirt”. Still, throbs of folks spend hard-earned cash and valuable vacation time spilling in and out of souvenir shops, loading up on knick knacks stamped with “Made in China”, as proof that they went to Florida and drank enough Margaritas to exercise such bad judgment. Read about my top 7 souvenir strategies."
Jason Elder presents File for Bankruptcy - Personal Bankruptcy Reasons posted at A Bankruptcy Lawyer's Blog, saying, "When is filing for bankruptcy the only way out? People often wonder under what circumstances they should actually file bankruptcy. Here are some simple guidelines that can assist you in making that decision."
Aaron Wakling presents FICO Score - Understanding Your FICO Credit Score posted at The Credit & Credit Card Blog, saying, "Your FICO score is a vital component of managing your finances. This is the number used by the credit bureaus to determine how good your credit is. The FICO scoring system can appear to be pretty complicated if you do not know how it works."
Eric Hudin presents My Estate Planning Career Blog » Blog Archive » Jumbo IRA or Pension - 5 Major Income and Tax Advantages of an LAP Plan posted at My Estate Planning Career Blog, saying, "Do you have a jumbo IRA or pension plan? In the next 2 minutes you will learn how to increase your spendable income while you live and keep it from being taxed as much as 75% after you die!"
Allen Taylor presents On The Quick and Easy Path To Achieving Trading Mastery posted at Investing World Today, saying, "Many books on trading psychology refer to the steps involved in achieving trading mastery. This is usually presented as five steps, starting from beginner, through novice, and finally becoming an expert, or master."
Tim Ramsey presents Debt Settlement - Nothing but the Facts posted at My Debt Relief Blog, saying, "Bankruptcy filings have jumped nearly 17% during the month of August 2007. Unfortunately, this news is not surprising; after all, foreclosures are at an all-time high and credit card debt is skyrocketing. If you're in a situation where youre barely able to keep your head above water, you may be considering debt settlement. Read on for some very important information regarding this form of debt relief."
Eric Stanley presents Retirement Planning - Do You Know If You Have Enough? posted at Personal Finance Blog Articles, saying, "Have you been saving enough for your retirement? Well, if you’re like the large majority of people, the answer is not really."
Thomas Humes presents Retirement Planning - This Simple Rule Can Make it Easy for Baby Boomers posted at Wealth Building World, saying, "For many, the thought of retirement planning makes people queasy. A study by the Savings Council shows that Most American’s spend more time planning a two-week vacation than planning their retirement. Saving and investing for retirement can be intimidating."
Steve Faber presents - What Do Those Terms on Your Auto Lease Mean? posted at DebtBlog.
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Taxing Times posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.
Dax Desai presents Google Spreadsheets - Part Deux posted at Dax Desai, saying, "Gives real world account of the powerful collaboration features of Google Spreadsheets."
*Kyle James presents Gender and Money: Do Men and Women Deal With Finances Differently? posted at Rather-Be-Shopping.com Blog, saying, "Differences in how men and women handle their finances."
Empty Spaces presents New Coin Purchase posted at Adventures in Money Making, saying, "Adventures in Money Making looks at why the dollar is devaluing and how to hedge against it."
Sagar Satapathy presents Top 50 Christian Business and Finance Blogs posted at Bootstrapper.
*plonkee presents budgeting for irregular expenses posted at plonkee money, saying, "How to budget for things that only come up occasionally."
Priya Jestin presents 12 Easy Personal Fashion Rules to Increase Your Earning 12% posted at Bootstrapper.
Tom Hanna presents Financial Roadmap September 17 to 21, 2007 posted at Financial Options, saying, "Excerpt: The story this week will be all about the Federal Reserve on Tuesday and oil markets on Wednesday. With markets expecting a 25-50 basis point (0.25%-0.50%) drop in the federal funds rate from Tuesday’s meeting of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee, another month with no rate reduction would be a crushing blow to the stock market and bond yields. A quarter percent cut will leave markets in the doldrums at best until the next Fed meeting, though it may give a short term boost."
*Edith Yeung presents The Money Series – Books that You Just Cannot Miss posted at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act..
Madeleine Begun Kane presents Curb Your "Age Of Turbulence" Enthusiasm posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
Jimmy Atkinson presents 25 Most Influential Personal Finance Bloggers (By the Numbers) posted at Ask the Advisor.
Admin presents Google cashing in on widget craze posted at Anything Goes & General News, saying, "Google Inc. will try to cash in on the Internet's latest craze by distributing ads within "widgets" — the interactive capsules designed to bring more pizzaz to Web pages. The move, scheduled to be announced Wednesday, represents Google's first attempt to make money off a trend that the online search leader has helped popularize. The Mountain View-based company has for two years offered a platform showcasing small modules, known generally as widgets, that blend data, text, images and software programs."
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of everything finance using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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