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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007 edition of Carnival of Everything Finance

Welcome to the September 12, 2007 edition of Carnival of Everything Finance.
We had over 60 really good articles submitted for this edition.
My favorites have "*" on them.

Earning Money

wilson ng presents Getting Rid of Customers as a Road to Profitability posted at Reflections of a BizDrivenLife, saying, "The conventional wisdom to profitability has been to attract and retain as many customers as you can. However, there ARE customers that are not worth keeping, and if they are eating up more resources than they are paying for, maybe its time to consider that it actually makes better business sense to let them go."
*Tomaz Mencinger presents Why Money Is Only One Third Of Happiness posted at Financial Freedom Ideas.

Marlon J. Broussard presents The 7 Immutable Laws of Building “True Wealth” posted at MoneyBlog, saying, "I have come to realize that my core beliefs about economics, finance, capitalism, business, money, consumerism, and the like, are all contrary to how our world functions today. Now, the questions to ask are rather simple; Does that make the “Worlds” way of functioning wrong?, Are those who make their livelihoods through this way of functioning, bad for doing so?, Are you an anarchist?
The simple answers to these three questions are no, no, & NO!"

Nenad Ristic presents Attribution Theory posted at Money Conciousness.


*Leon Gettler presents Subprime woes worse than terrorism posted at Sox First, saying, "Subprime trouble is now ranked as a bigger threat than terrorism."

TraderMark presents I totally missed Crocs (CROX) posted at Fund my Mutual Fund, saying, "This is my first attempt at a carnival - I have a lot of articles I think apply - I thought this one would be catchy because everyone knows what Crocs are!"

Jimmy Atkinson presents Top 25 Forex Sites (By the Numbers) posted at Forex Blog.

The Dough Roller presents Asset Allocation for Near and Active Retirees posted at The Dough Roller, saying, "A sample asset allocation for those nearing retirement."

*Adam presents The Fundamentals of Successful Investing posted at The Investor's Journal, saying, "Learn the fundamentals for successful investing"

Money for Military presents First Spouse Gold Coins Investment posted at Money for Military, saying, "I made a 13% return on a gold coin investment. I bought a First Spouse coin from the US Mint for $447 and sold it for $510."

Stirling Newberry presents The Last Wave of This Expansion posted at The Agonist, saying, "The big picture reasons why you should invest in VOIP (and for god's sake, dump Apple)."

Kurt Brouwer presents Stocks ? Clinging to a Wall of Worry posted at Fundmastery Blog, saying, "The stock market is clinging to a wall of worry..."

Babak presents Insiders Tripping Over Each Other To Buy posted at Trader's Narrative, saying, "Corporate executives and other "insiders" who have special insight into their companies future are buying US stocks with the same excitement as the bottom of the bear market in late 2002."

Real Estate & Mortgage

*Matthew Paulson presents How to Stop Abusive Homeowners Associations before Problems Begin posted at Getting Green.

presents Tools for Protecting Yourself During a Home Purchase posted at, saying, "Buying a home is a major financial decision but there are several important tools built into the process for your protection."

karyn presents Mental Math for Home Buyers posted at Finance 123.

Andy Hagans presents The Real Estate Marketing Toolkit - 37 Places to List a Home posted at International Listings Blog, saying, "Thanks for your consideration!"

Saving Money

*Abdulrasool Sumar presents How to Negotiate Debt Obligations with Creditors posted at 3 Debt Consolidation Community, saying, "If creditors do not receive on time payments from you, they will often report your delinquency status to the major Credit Bureaus (Experian, Equifax and TransUnion). But what if you are willing to make payments to the creditors, but not the full amount they are asking for? For example, you have $15,000 of credit card debt and your minimum monthly payment is $375. However, you can only afford to pay $200 a month at the moment. How do you negotiate with your creditors so as to get the payment terms to your advantage and get negative items deleted off your credit report? That is the purpose of this article."

FIRE Getters presents 20000 Bonus Miles From United Mileage Plus Visa! posted at FIRE Finance.

Ted Reimers presents Where to Buy, Sell and Trade Textbooks posted at CampusGrotto.

*teaspoon presents Solving Our Savings and Budget Issues - The No-Budget Budget Way posted at - Financial wisdom, one teaspoon at a time..., saying, "Proposing a way of looking at handling your savings and budgeting called the no-budget budget."

Save Money presents Step Five to getting Rid of Debt posted at How I Save

supermom_in_ny presents Get a $25.00 Bonus from Bank of America posted at Getting Out of Debt, saying, "Open a new checking account and get a $25.00 bonus!"

Erek Ostrowski presents Positive Penny (Life After Debt) posted at Verve Coaching, saying, "Positive Penny asks, "How can I keep myself on track and motivated to save money instead of spending everything I have??""


artThailand presents Buying safely online posted at artThailand.

*Wenchypoo presents How’s Your Health Been Lately? posted at Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket.

Spending Wisely

John Hill presents Get Out of Debt posted at Universe Of Success.

Amanda presents To Splurge or Not... posted at Young and Broke.

Kyle James presents How I Got Out Of Credit Card Debt posted at Blog, saying, "Tips on how to get out from under a bunch of credit card debt."

ted presents Random Acts of Self-Control posted at TradeLine, saying, "this post hypothosizes that giving with our money first is the best way to limit our spending and increase our savings."


Leon Gettler presents Bailout warnings posted at Sox First, saying, "With the disaster confronting America's home owners now shaping up as a hot political issue, it's no surprise that President George Bush has come up with a rescue package. And the Fed is promising "additional actions as needed". But can bailouts do more damage by flooding the market with cheap money?"

teaspoon presents Your Personal Stock Market Army - The Stop Loss! posted at - Financial wisdom, one teaspoon at a time..., saying, "Teaspoon proposes that you should never own shares of stock without having a stop loss placed on them. Quite simply, it is human nature to keep accepting a lowering stock price without selling. You begin to rationalize at every new red flag in the lowering stock price. It is also human nature to remain emotionally attached to a high flying stock that becomes a laggard, and thus turn a profit into a loss."

Everything Else Finance

Dean presents 21 Tips on How to Stay Cool This Summer For Less posted at Mr. Cheap Stuff, saying, "Beat the summer heat and stay cool for cheap."

Kevin Bedell presents How to Calculate the Savings from using Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) Bulbs posted at 21st Century Citizen.

Tracy Coenen presents One hour and eleven minutes of my life with Bank of America posted at FRAUDfiles.

Allan Wallace presents Planned Giving Donations, Bequests, and Legacy Gifts posted at - The BFU Journal -
documenting the creation of a new type of college
, saying, "Estate planning is more about passing on values than valuables."

*Jason Elder presents Effects of Bankruptcy posted at A Bankruptcy Lawyer's Blog, saying, "Once you have been declared bankrupt, under the bankruptcy law all assets that belonged to you, including your home come under the control of a Trustee."

Aaron Wakling presents Using the Damaged Credit Card Market to Rebuild Your Credit Score posted at The Credit & Credit Card Blog, saying, "If you have experienced credit damage but are now on the road to restoring your credit score one of the quickest ways to assure positive current information making its way on to your credit reports is to establish new credit. Sounds kind of crazy, doesnt it? But obtaining new credit cards is a way to build a new foundation in your credit history."

Eric Hudin presents My Estate Planning Career Blog » Blog Archive » Top 10 Reasons You Need A Trust posted at My Estate Planning Career Blog, saying, "I’m going to describe in a few simple words why you will benefit from a trust."

* Allen Taylor presents Personal Investing Advice » Basic Money Management For Your Trading Portfolio posted at Investing World Today, saying, "A key part of becoming a successful trader is the knowledge of money management. Without a proper understanding of Money Management is and is not, you can have the best trading systems and still blow your account out of the water."

Tim Ramsey presents Reduce My Debt - 5 Secrets for Success posted at My Debt Relief Blog, saying, "Here are 5 easy-to-implement secrets for succeeding in getting out of debt and getting back your peace of mind."

Eric Stanley presents Making Your Mortgage Payments On Time? Doesn?t Mean Your Safe From Foreclosure posted at Personal Finance Blog Articles, saying, "How many foreclosures may have been averted had borrowers been aware their mortgage was sold to another servicing company or their payments were not applied accurately."

Thomas Humes presents How To Be A Master In Money Making - Be The Leader Of The Pack posted at Wealth Building World, saying, "Money mastery does not only mean wealth generation but also total financial success including the way you invest, save and utilize your present income."

Pinyo Bhulipongsanon
presents Financial Independence Illustrated posted at Moolanomy, saying, "Congratulation on the new carnival. Please let me know if this is post is good for inclusion into your carnival. Also, are you planning to host his carnival on other blogs? If so, I am interested in being a host."

Henry Bagdasarian presents Buy Credit And Every One Loses posted at Free Identity Theft Prevention, Detection and Fraud Solutions.

Kevin Surbaugh presents Time To Regulate The Loan Sharks posted at Becoming & Staying Debt Free, saying, "I received an email last night, asking me to meet a group of people at the (Kansas) State Banking Commissioners Office later today. Why? Because of my perceived knowledge about predatory lending.
So I burned the midnight oil, to come up with a few points to bring up, when I attend this meeting before I go to work. Below is what I came up with."

Ryan Russell presents Finding A Fix: 10 Tips For Resolving Financial Disputes posted at My Money Thinks, saying, "Account and billing mistakes are a reality of personal finances. From the cable bill to the credit card statement, at some point, errors will occur. These errors, even the small ones, become financial disputes that must be resolved. Here's where experience comes in to play -- here's what I've figured out over the years."

Care on Credit presents Learning About Debt Relief Programs posted at Care on Credit, saying, "Do you think that if a credit counseling agency is a non-profit then it must be reputable? Not always the case! Learn how to find out if the debt relief company you are considering is reputable."

Thomas Ott presents S&P500 Next Gen Volatility Model Results posted at Neural Market Trends, saying, "To test how robust the model is, I took a sample from the training data to see if the model would be able to match the actual trend. As I said previously, this volatility model has a predictive accuracy between 60 to 70%, in this case its 65%."

*KCLau presents Top 10 Money Lessons by Dissecting Billionaire Leona Hemsley’s Will posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "After dissecting Helmsley's 14-page will filed in Surrogate’s Court, I am going to elaborate some personal finance money tips in this post. Some facts will amuse you while some lessons are to be learned to alert you of planning your estate more effectively. Here are the top lessons I learn from researching Leona’s will."

Kevin Surbaugh presents 8 Simple Ways to Live Without Credit or Debt posted at Becoming & Staying Debt Free.

Mr Credit Card presents Business Gold Rewards Card from American Express | Gold Business Card posted at Ask Mr Credit Card's Blog.

Logan Flatt, CFA presents How to Get Ahead In America (1st of a 12-Part Series) posted at, saying, "I am a living example – among millions of such examples in America – that a multi-generation American can make a conscious choice to get ahead financially and then go out into America and make it happen within a reasonable timeframe...Based on my experience, I am confident that you can accelerate your potential to replicate or exceed my financial success if you are willing to adopt my “12 Refusals That Helped Me Pull Ahead in America.”"

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Everything Finance using our carnival submission form.

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