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Friday, September 14, 2007

study/cards in the morning, test in the afternoon... computer in the evening!

About 2 and a half hours from now, the ACET will start...

I hope stock knowledge will work, especially in Math. Compared to the UPCAT, I prepared less for the ACET. I just started reviewing last night and that was just english. I felt that I need to study a lot in english since I barely get a passing grade when doing english exercises in reviewers. I just scanned some pages in Mathematics. Hope I'll still remember my lessons.

Report Card Reports to me

Damn! I am quite disappointed and quite satisfied. My lowest grade is in Social Science - 82, no doubt. But elective ($*$&@^#*)! I had an 83! T_T ! I also had an 83 in Physics with all those efforts! A 91 in Math.. actually, I knew that for some time already. but to see it in my card, damn I'm upset. I had a 95 in my Class Standing.. it abated to 91 just because of that Math Exam wherein our batch , CN 1-17 had barely 40 minutes of answering the long test! I had 62 correct answers of the 66 items I answered in the 100 item test..
Anyway, I'm satisfied with a 87 in theology and english, a 95 in TLE, and a 96 in GICP! Woo! I think those are the highest grades I could get in those subjects. Sad to say, somebody had a higher grade in TLE :((. Atleast, I was in the 4th place in the class! I'm so glad I made it to the top 4, and top 19 in the batch. With intellectual classmates (Jose, Edward, JC, Mykee, Mayumi, Madz, Iriz, Kevin, and Bren) in our section, It's too hard to get into the top 10. Also, I placed 7th in Deportment :D woo thanks to the merits!

Woops! I had to prepare now.. 'll be posting again later about the exam! Good Luck to us all ACET Examinees! May God bless us! ta-ta!

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