
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Need Health Insurance ? Get Free Quotes Online
Free health insurance quotes makes it easy to choose from plans and policies that will best suit your needs. Admit it, you may be earning money right now, money that is probably enough for your household needs plus a little extra but imagine if you get sick and suddenly you need to be confined in a hospital and the doctor orders numerous diagnostic tests and laboratory procedures that cost an arm and leg? Add to that the steep price of most prescription drugs. As you recover and go home but the expenses may not end there. You will probably be given expensive medications and you will be instructed to follow up on a regular basis and undergo examinations every now and then. How will you able to afford all these while maintaining the quality of life for your family? You really should start paying attention to all free health insurance quote right about now.
In browsing free health insurance quotes offered, it is important to know beforehand what you are looking for. You should consider when looking at a free health insurance quote what are you and your family needs. The length of time required to pay the plan is also an important consideration in free health insurance quote. Some health insurances offer several years of payment, some even extending until the day the insured dies.
Free health insurance quotes should also include the mode of payment offered by the company so you will know if you can pay the plan being offered. You should also find out if the free health insurance quote you are seriously considering would allow you to choose your own doctors and hospital or be restricted to only their network of health care professionals.
There are also free health insurance quotes that offer group health insurance. These are different from individual health insurance quotes in the sense that they offer insurance for the group rather than individual, so they are not customized and everyone enrolled in the group gets the same benefits. This type of free health insurance quote is normally less expensive and does not require extensive screening. Individual free health insurance quotes usually states that an applicant will undergo extensive medical screening. Should you pick this type of free health insurance quote, the company will want a detailed medical background check, focusing on the past diseases that you may or may not have.
Since the quotes are free of charge, relax, take your time and find the best health insurance for you!
Suze Orman (has a show on CNBC), suggests the following websites for free insurance quotes:
Select Quote
(800) 343-1985
(800) 972-1104
(800) 444-8376
Master Quote
(800) 337-5433
LifeRates of America
(800) 457-2837
(800) 556-9393
(800) 871-5075
(800) 442-9899
(800) 845-3853
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Aprenda a estudar
Com esta maravilhosa apostila, você ira aprender como estudar de maneira certa e eficaz, estes métodos, garanto que não são ensinados em nenhuma escola convencional, Recomendo!
Alguns dos temas contidos na apostila:
Ler depressa e bem;
O controle de tempo, quando tempo deve ser usado pra estudar;
Trabalhos em grupo;
Participação nas aulas;
- Hospedagem: EasyShare/Rapidshare
- Tamanho: 2,50 MB

FloorPlan 3D Design Suite 11 Download
Floorplan 3D Design Suite é um programa-arquiteto. Com ele é possível projetar todos os
espaços da casa e visualizar o resultado em imagens tridimensionais. As idéias tomam forma no programa: das primeiras paredes aos pontos de luz, misture, agite, pinte e aguarde a formação da imagem.Recrie a sua casa mudando desde a cozinha até a casa de banho. Não necessita de ser arquitecto profissional para utilizar este programa pois ele é muito simples de usar!
- Tam.: 120MB
- Hospedahem: Rapidshare

Tutorial. Aprenda a Gravar 4 filmes em 1 DVD só.
Nesse tutorial vocês vão aprender a gravar 4 ou 3 filmes em uma midia de dvd só.... O tutorial é bastante fácil e eficaz é só usar passo a passo os programas citados no tutorial.
»Tamanho: 12 MB
»Formato: Rar
»Servidor: EasyShare
Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
The Slave In The Triumphal Chariot
In Ancient Rome, when a general won extra territory or crushed rebellion, he would be welcomed home with a triumphal procession through the city.
It was his big opportunity to show the crowds how much success he'd had - how many prisoners he'd taken, and how much treasure he'd come back with.
Beside him in his chariot there would ride with him one of the most important people in the whole procession - a slave, who from time to time would lean forward and whisper just one sentence in his ear: "You're only human."
Successful Roman generals had a track record of believing that a man who'd won a battle had a right to rule the world... and to get rid of anyone who argued.
Reminding them that they were only human, and subject to the same laws as the rest of Roman society, was therefore more than just encouragement to keep their triumph in perspective. For other generals and prominent citizens of Rome, it was also the best chance that they would stay alive.
Sometimes it can be hard to remember that we're only human, too. It's very right and proper to want the things you do to turn out perfectly the whole time... but life's not like that.
We get things wrong sometimes. We make mistakes. We lose our concentration for just a moment, and do something that makes us feel completely stupid. We lose our temper sometimes with the people closest to us, and say something sharp that hurts somebody's feelings.
The other side of the coin is that we sometimes have that done to us, as well. It's easy to remember every mean, wrong-headed thing our parents, teachers, bosses, friends and even partner have said or done to hurt us - and to forget the things they've got spectacularly right.
It's easy to demand perfection from ourselves and everyone around us - but it isn't very helpful. The truth is that we're not perfect - any of us. We sometimes need to cut ourselves, and everybody else, some slack.
Self-belief means expecting the best possible performance from yourself - but not the impossible; self-esteem means knowing you're not perfect, but respecting yourself for always trying to improve - and liking yourself, anyway.
Once you can accept it's neither necessary nor possible for you to be completely perfect, you can start to feel the same way towards others, too - and once you let go of your perfectionism and stop expecting them to do exactly what you want, exactly as you want it, all the time, it takes the stress out of relationships and makes getting on with people much, much easier... and much more fun.
Relax, and stop demanding the impossible. Remind yourself from time to time... you're only human.
70 Mega Wallpapers - Hot Cars 3
ZoneAlarm Free
ZoneAlarm Free é um software desenvolvido para proteger qualquer tipo de conexão — seja ela ADSL, cabo, discada, entre outras — contra hackers. O pacote realiza a proteção através de 4 serviços de segurança: firewall, controlador de aplicativos, bloqueador para a internet e zonas específicas — daí o nome ZoneAlarm (Alarme de Zona, literalmente). Nos dias de hoje, a proteção é essencial para qualquer pessoa que navega na internet.
A combinação de um firewall dinâmico com o controle total sobre os aplicativos, providencia uma das proteções mais sólidas do mercado contra vândalos, ladrões e criminosos virtuais.
O que é um firewall?
O firewall controla a porta de entrada do computador, permitindo ou não a passagem do tráfego de acordo com os critérios estabelecidos (as famosas "regras") — você decide quais programas podem acessar a web. Outro recurso interessante é a proteção do seu PC quando você não estiver: ZoneAlarm assegura a proteção mesmo durante períodos de ociosidade e inatividade. Você está protegido até mesmo quando não está usando sua conexão!
O Modo Stealth
Com este modo ligado, ZoneAlarm torna seu PC invisível para outras pessoas e intrusos na web. O programa é uma verdadeira barricada para as portas de seu PC, bloqueando qualquer entrada. Lembre-se: se você não pode ser visto, não pode ser atacado.
Para melhor aproveitamento, especifique quais programas podem acessar a internet, assim a a execução de worms e scripts maliciosos é impedida. Diferente dos outros, ZoneAlarm protege seu PC desde o momento em que é instalado, de maneira totalmente automática e sem requerer qualquer programação.
- Hospedagem: EasyShare
- Tamanho: 17,5 MB

AnyReader v.2.4.168 Full
AnyReader v.2.4.168 Full é um software de cópia de dados de mídias ilegíveis: CD, DVD, dispositivos de rede, memória flash, disco ZIP e outros. O software copia efetivamente dados corrompidos de qualquer tipo de disco ou conexões com erros se os métodos tradicionais rejeitarem o processo. O programa consegue recuperar downloads caso a conexão falhe no meio do processo não deixando que você perca o trabalho feito (recursos excelente e essencial para redes Wi-Fi).
Youtube Downloader Portable

É só colar o link do video no programa e ele baixar inteirinho pra você.
Versão Portable - Instale no seu pendrive e baixe vídeos do Youtube em qualquer computador que estiver.
Shareaza Português BR
O Shareaza é um compartilhador de arquivos com o código-fonte aberto para você trocar seus filmes, clipes, músicas, softwares e arquivos favoritos em diversas redes!
Ele é um dos compartilhadores mais requisitados na Internet, pois além de ser rápido e eficiente, não traz nenhum spyware ou adware. Seu ponto mais forte é a compatibilidade com diversas redes P2P, como eDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent e Gnutella2.
O seu visual é limpo e bem organizado, facilitando bastante a adaptação ao programa. Possui recursos úteis como classificação e área de queues (filas de espera por downloads) configurável.
Outro ponto positivo que merece ser levado em conta ao escolher o seu programa preferido para compartilhar arquivos é o suporte ao português. O Shareaza oferece este suporte.
Suporte a várias redes:
O Shareaza é campeão de downloads porque é capaz de se conectar simultaneamente em até quatro redes de trocas de arquivos, permitindo dessa forma acesso a milhares de usuários em apenas um único programa. Uma de suas características mais interessantes é o suporte para baixar/enviar arquivos torrent, muito populares atualmente.
Entre suas inovações, a ferramenta "Coleções" merece destaque. Nela é possível pré-visualizar grupos de coleções contendo capas de álbuns, descrições e listas de músicas em apenas um pacote completo. Muito interessante para organizar sua coleção e ficar por dentro de todas as informações sobre sua banda favorita.
Player e Skins:
O Shareaza tem um player de vídeo/áudio integrado para assistir seus arquivos baixados instantaneamente, agilizando a verificação dos downloads. Para quem gosta de modificar a interface gráfica, o Shareaza possui suporte a skins, permitindo que você o personalize ao seu modo.
- Tamanho: 4 MB
- Hospedagem: EasyShare
Desliga Aí ! - Programa para desligar o PC

O Desliga Aí resolve esse problema - Você programa a que horas o computador deve desligar, e pronto... É o fim do desperdício, Fique com o PC ligado, apenas durante o período que precisar.
TV Player Classic 4.1 Download
TV Player Classic é um aplicativo russo que lhe permite assistir mais de 1200 canais de 109 países diferentes de forma gratuita, a vantagem deste aplicativo em relação a outros é que tem as atualizações automáticas de canais.
- Tam.: 1.2MB
- Hospedagem: Rapidshare - Easyshare
Jon Lester Rox!
Congratulations to the Red Sox (aka Rox) on their 7 World Series title, their second in 4 years... and you really don't want to know what time it was this side of the Atlantic by the time the game, let alone the celebrations, ended!
The red and white banner held up by one fan expressed it all - "Believe Again".
Special congratulations to Mike Lowell on winning not just one car but two for being MVP, and, for that matter, to the Colorado Rockies, who have reached their first World Series in only their 15th series - no mean achievement in its own right.
For me, though, the real star has got to be a player whose courage, determination and commitment, let alone his skill, would defeat all efforts to describe them.
At first I thought I hadn't heard aright when the commentator said that this time last year Jonathan Tyler Lester wasn't pitching for the Red Sox - he was undergoing chemotherapy.
It turns out, though, that it's absolutely true. The Red Sox pitcher had a rare form of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and might not even have survived it, let alone been able to go on playing baseball... but Jon Lester has an attitude of total focus and determination.
Three months ago, his treatment over, he came back to the Red Sox, and last night he claimed his place in baseball's history books... and his comment on what he'd achieved just to get over it and make it to the Final?
"I was a normal person, and did anything that anybody else would've done."
What's more, he says that the experience has actually helped his playing. Last year, he admits, he could get upset about small things too easily, and lose his concentration and effectiveness.
This year, he believes he's got things in perspective, and can focus better on his game.
Jon Lester's example will be an inspiration and a badge of hope for every cancer sufferer, or loved one, friend or family member of a cancer sufferer, who gets to hear about his heroism and its great and brilliantly-deserved success.
Gusto kong sayo'y magpaalam
No'ng isang araw, nawala ka
Bakit bumalik ng kay aga?
Ang lamig na nadarama,
Ang hirap sa aking paghinga,
Ang papikit nang mga mata,
Dulot mo'y sakit, pang-abala.
Sa paglapit mo sa akin,
sinama pa si Haring Bahing.
Katawan ko ay inalipin,
inaalipusta ang hangin.
Ang iyong mga kampon, Sipon,
inaatake, aking ilong.
Ilong ranger nasaan ka na?
Neozep, ang pampaginhawa
Mga mata ko, namumula.
Prinsesa sore eyes, nandyan na!
Ang madaanan, namumula,
humahapdi't namamaga.
Ginoong ubo, ba't naparito?
Gusto bang makisalo-salo?
Sipain yan sa kaharian
Boses niya'y dala ang digmaan!
Sana'y sa pagtigil ng ulan
at pagsikat ni haring araw,
mga sumugod sa kastilyo,
tuluyan nang maglaho.
Trying out Paid Per Post
So by doing some quick research it became clear to me that "Pay Per Post" is the biggest out there and they have literally thousands of opportunities to choose from.
As this blog "Everything Finance" is a Personal Finance resource where I try to make the finance jargon a little easier to understand, it is important that I, suddenly, don't start blogging about Cooking and Food Recipes :)
So when I signed up with "Pay Per Post" and got approved, I started looking at the opportunities available to me and was happy to see that there were quite a few finance related topics that I could blog about.
If this idea appeals to you, please check them out. They do have some rules and regulations and not all blogs get accepted, but if you have any questions about Pay Per Post, please check out their Frequently Asked Questions. I sure it will help you.
In the next few days I should have my first finance related blog review.
Now, I too am a Postie !
If you like my post, subscribe to My Feed
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Explore Todo o Potencial de Receita do Seu Site

Download - Parte 1 - 95,78mb
Download - Parte 2 - 36,12mb
Friday, October 26, 2007
The 6-Fold Increase
I've just heard a story that I think you'll like. It comes from round about the beginning of the 20th Century, and it involves a very rich industrialist named Charles Schwab. You may not know the name, but at the time he would have been just about as famous as Bill Gates is now - a real example of Supreme Success, in fact.
One day Mr. Schwab was contacted by a member of a fairly new profession - an efficiency expert. The offer he was made intrigued him.
"If you let me spend just 15 minutes with each member of your executive staff," the expert said, "I'll increase your company's productivity and profits six-fold... and all you have to do is pay me, after 90 days, exactly what you think my work is worth."
Charles Schwab couldn't resist. After all, he was an efficient man, and he insisted his executives be every bit as efficient as himself. How could a total stranger possibly achieve a 6-fold increase in his business in that time?
Well, if it didn't work, at least it wasn't going to cost him anything.
He gave the go-ahead, and authorized the efficiency expert to talk to each of his executives in turn, for about a quarter of an hour.
By the time the 90 days were up, Charles Schwab had seen his already-thriving business transformed beyond his recognition - so much so that he gratefully wrote the expert a check for $35,000.
Now, by today's standards that might not sound like much of a recompense for someone who'd boosted a company's efficiency to that extent, but, remember, this was at a time when an average worker would be lucky to go home with $10 in his pocket for the week.
You'd imagine that the expert must have come up with something really groundbreaking to achieve results like that, wouldn't you? Something no-one else had ever heard or thought of? Something radical and difficult, that only top executives could use?
Not a bit of it. The technique that each executive was taught was very simple.
It's something you can do, as well, and you can start today. It won't cost you $35,000 - in fact, it doesn't cost you anything at all - and it'll work for you, just as it worked for Charles Schwab's company.
Every night, list the 6 most important things you have to do next day to get you where you want to go, and every morning...
Do them.
Start working on the first 6 things you know you need to do that day, and don't let anything distract you.
Focus on them till you've got them finished.
Unplug the phone. Switch off the TV. Don't check out your e-mails, unless they're work-related and you really need to. Keep away from all the social network sites. Ignore all invitations to have coffee and a chat, and anything else that might get in the way, until you've finished.
A clear view of where you want to go (listing the next day's 6 most important items) and a strong and energetic focus on getting there (getting those things done) will transform your life and fortunes, too.
Try it yourself for 90 days, and see!
Helping Them To Make It
Hopefully, for most people who read this, Supreme Success means going for all the things you really want from life, without the sacrifice of what you have already - your health and fitness, your relationship, your friends and family, and whatever else you value.
For many people in the world, though, and, especially at this time of year, for birds and other wildlife, Supreme Success means simply to survive the night, and make it to the morning.
On TV and in the media we've seen the horrors of Dafur, and no doubt a lot of people reading this will have raised or given money to help Africa and other places where there's desperate need.
The hunger crisis facing many humans makes it easy to forget that there are other creatures, too, who need our help. It only takes a few minutes to provide it - and it doesn't even have to cost us anything.
The weather may be very different where you are, but here the temperature has dropped dramatically the past few days.
A sharp ground-frost has turned the local golf course into a sparkling wonderland - in the early morning sunshine, it looks as if it's carpeted with diamonds.
The air is crisp and fresh, the multi-colored leaves are coming down in vast profusion, acorns are strewn on the pathway through the woods... and the local birds are starving.
The ducks that usually live close to the bridge across a little stream have been missing all the summer. They're back now, quacking piteously, and fighting over the few bits of bread that any passer-by might throw them.
(It's worth taking some out specially, just to hear the lovely, contented little sounds they make when they're well-fed!)
In winter, a bird has to eat one third of its entire weight each day to stay alive. Less than that, and they simply can't keep warm enough to make it through the night.
Putting out peanuts and wild bird seed for the garden birds is wonderful, and if you have the chance to plant a shrub with winter berries on it you'll be doing lots of good - but even simply putting out left-over bread or a few stale biscuits is a life-saver.
It costs nothing to give them food that you would otherwise throw out, but it makes all the difference in the world to them.
If you haven't got a garden, there are lots of birds in parks, near streams, or pretty nearly anywhere outdoors who need some help in winter. They won't be fussy about the freshness of the bread - just grateful for the chance to stay alive.
If you do live near a park or stream, remember that the ducks or geese or swans who are well-fed at weekends and when school's out, and loving parents or grandparents encourage children to throw scraps to them, will probably go hungry once the kids are back at school.
It's best to put the food out in the morning - apart from the nocturnal kinds, a bird can only find its food in daylight, and in winter daylight hours are comparatively few.
That means that at the very time of year its need for food to combat cold is greatest, and when the sources of its natural supply (berries, insects, seeds, etc.) are at their lowest ebb, a bird has the fewest available hours of daylight to find food in.
The result? Each year, millions of them simply die of cold.
Please, if you have an extra slice or two of bread, you've trimmed some fat parts off your breakfast bacon, you maybe don't like crusts, or a few leftover biscuits have gone stale, don't just simply throw them in the bin.
Put them where the birds can find them, and help some fellow-creatures make it through the night.
2 Steps to eliminating Credit Card Debt
1. Control your urge to spend
The first thing to do for credit card debt elimination is to control your expenditures. Here we are talking about the payments you make using your credit card. Remember that the main reason being your getting into credit card debt is uncontrolled expenditures using your credit card. So if you are really serious about credit card debt elimination, this is one thing that will help in credit card debt elimination by preventing accumulation of further debt. Here is what you can do to control your expenditures:
a. You need to stay away from attractive offers that are put-up by various shops and stores. Don’t buy anything that you don’t really-really need. After all you are looking for credit card debt elimination not supplementation.
b. Leave your credit card at home. If you really-really need something, then you can fetch your credit card from your house. This will prevent you from yielding to the too-attractive-to-resist sale offers (that are actually there all the year round). This credit card debt elimination technique, again, works on the principal of ‘prevention is better than cure’. This will prevent unplanned expenses from happening.
c. Prepare a monthly budget and stick to it. This is really a very important credit card debt elimination measure. This budget will form the basis of your credit card debt elimination plan. So if you deviate from your budget, your credit card debt elimination plan will go for a toss.
2. Debt Consolidation
Debt consolidation or moving from high APR credit cards to a low APR one is generally the first step (the first reactive step) for credit card debt elimination. Here are a few things that you need to do:
a. Do not go for the first balance offer you come across. Analyze various offers and choose the one that best suits you. This will be an important thing on you credit card debt elimination plan. Initial APR, Initial APR period and standard Apr, all need to be considered.
b. Read the fine print on the balance transfer offer and check the terms and conditions on these. These might affect your overall credit card debt elimination plan.
c. Compare other benefits e.g. rebates, reward points, etc, before you actually decide to go for one of the offers.
Credit card debt elimination is about proper planning and discipline. So make your credit card debt elimination plan and stick to it.
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
Exactly What You Promise
I've just had a really annoying experience, and if the Supreme Success you're looking for has anything to do with online marketing it might be something you can learn from, too.
It sounds insultingly obvious to say you have to give your customers the things you've promised them, doesn't it? Well, I can assure you that it doesn't always happen.
In return for joining someone's mailing list I was offered a very interesting-looking freebie, which I eagerly accepted. With it came an offer of related software for a low price. I wasn't greatly interested in the main product, but I was keen on one of the bonus products that came with it. I accepted that, too.
The main product didn't work - at all - and one of the bonuses turned out to be an inferior version of something I already had.
Another proved to be a restricted version of the real thing. To be fair, it came equipped with some kind of an update patch, which didn't seem to turn it into the full version I'd been promised, but as it wasn't something I had much need to use I could have overlooked that.
My real annoyance, though, was reserved for the bonus product which was all I'd bought the package for. It, too, was a "lite" version - and one of its limitations was that it wouldn't let me save my work, or re-open a project once I'd left it.
In other words, it wasn't worth the download time I'd spent on it, let alone the (admittedly small) amount I'd paid for it.
Worse still, the "read me" file recommended that to take full advantage of the software I should buy the full version... from the very guy who'd led me to believe that's what I'd paid him for!
I checked the sales page again, very carefully, to see if there was something in the small print that I'd missed, but no. Nowhere was there any indication that what was on offer was anything less than a version that was fully functional.
As I pointed out in asking for a refund, there's just no way that I'd have paid him any money for a lite version of the software - most lite versions are downloadable for free.
The point of the story's obvious enough - if you offer something to your customers, don't mislead them. Most people will be decent enough to give you opportunities to put right a download error, but if they've got less value than your website promised them, you won't get many second chances.
At best, you lose a customer, and make sure they never buy from you again (and you can be very sure they'll tell their friends, as well).
At worst, you find yourself in legal trouble - advertising that doesn't deliver what it promises can bring a very heavy penalty in many countries.
If the sale's been made through PayPal, ClickBank or a number of other credit card fulfillment companies, there's also the possibility your customer will complain to them... and they rarely take that very well. One offence can cost you money - a number of complaints can get you barred.
It's no use offering the defence that the price was low to start with, either. The answer to the question, "What do you expect to get for that amount?" is very simple.
"Exactly what you promised me."
Essere imbecille ieri, oggi e domani
Casa comune

Manifesto e libro realizzati per ADA e per il Comune di Formigine per l'inaugurazione della nuova sede comunale. Splendide fotografie di Alessandra Chemollo