1. To save money, you must always check on your vehicle regularly. A well-maintained vehicle can get you out of trouble on repair expenses. You can actually spend only $50 on maintaining your vehicle and save up to $800 on repair costs in a year. You can even save more if you do the maintenance yourself and not bring your car into an auto shop.
2. If you want to save more money, it is recommended not to buy a new car. The value of a car depreciates automatically when you drive it out off the showroom of the car dealer shop. You may buy a car that is used at least one year. It will save you thousands of dollars to the actual worth of the car when it was new. The owner will then pay all the depreciated value of the car.
3. Save money on buying used cars by comparing the prices of the car dealer and the actual price on the list of the used car dealer ads. To ensure the car that you buy is well conditioned, you may ask for the help of a mechanic to check if the car is good enough for its price. It is better to buy a used car from a person you know and trust. This will help you make sure that you have a good deal in acquiring a car.
4. Try to compare gasoline rates. You may refuel your car with the gasoline station that offers the lowest price on gasoline. You can even save more by pumping gas yourself and use the lowest octane in your car’s manual. It is also recommended that you pay cash than credit cards that charge extra rates. Do not forget to check the gas cap if it is tightened to ensure no gas is spilled out.
5. Always keep your engine tuned-up and have your tires inflated to their desired pressure to save you more money. A well-maintained engine consumes less gas. Keep your car’s trunk clean to save more fuel. Heavy loads in your vehicle can consume more fuel because of the excess weight it carries.
6. Try to limit the use of your car on your daily route. You may take the bus or the subway to save gasoline. You can also save time by ignoring the traffic that you encounter everyday on the streets.
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A new car gives you the warranty that you often can't get with a used car. Worth considering. Also drive the speed limit, you will get better gas mileage.
You nailed it by saying that spending a little on maintenance will pay off big time in future repairs and gas mileage. It's amazing to see people drive around in sputtering, inefficient cars when they could spend $100 or so replacing some filters, spark plugs, etc. and save a lot more over the life of the car.
I bet you are a weekend traveler; I am also a weekend traveler and I always face lots of problems when I go for a long drive. Usually I go by company’s bus on weekday and that’s why I drive only on weekend. Your views are truly worth to follow. I have spent lots of bucks on my car in last six months and I don’t know why. Because, the tips you have given are so common, but I must say I never thought on these. But, now no more wastage of money, on this weekend I will be in profit. Thanks buddy for this exceptional post.
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