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Monday, August 31, 2009

The Struggle for Affordable, Accessible Health Care (In The United States), Part VI - Continued

World Health Organization health care rankings by nation based on nine measures of attainment and performance. USA: #37 in overall system performance, #1 in responsiveness, #54 in fairness, #1 in spending per capita. #72 in level of health. Based on stats from: 1997.

In America, doctors appear on demand by hitting the "easy button"! Well, we do have the "most responsive" system in the world, according to the W.H.O.
* Inequality/privilege reduces line length. So does spending the most per capita of any country in the world on health care while limiting people from accessing it, while bankrupting families with leukemia, cancer.
* Government takeover of health is not going to be the result of health reform in America.
* Message implies there are no lines in U.S. health care. Ever been to an Urgent Care on a Monday morning?
* Wait times have been reduced dramatically in England. In some countries with national health, wait times are practically non-existent.
* When in Europe, prepare to be amazed if you need medical attention. You'll come home saying "I want health care like that here in America!"
Stop waiting in line to see a movie! Get your tickets at!
Stop waiting in line to see a movie! Go to unpopular movies.

Post Ted Kennedy Death Article 3: Let's get it done! On Thursday, an astounding 280,000 Organizing for America supporters gathered online to huddle with the President at our National Health Care Forum. With Congress about to return to Washington to make historic decisions on health insurance reform, the President chose this critical moment to speak directly to the OFA community. He reminded us of how far we've come and what we can accomplish together:

Post Ted Kennedy Death article 2: Don't Tread on Me: Transcending the Left Wing/Right Wing Health Care Debate. We can transcend our divisions if we think more multidimensionally.

Post Ted Kennedy Death article 1: Taking the Kennedy Way (which is clarity): backers of health care reform say that if Obama is to prevail on health care reform, he will have to be much clearer about what he is fighting for. It feels great to give to a political cause. You feel literally "invested" in it. Your name is made public as a contributor - you literally are taking a stand in front of everyone. If you really want to be seen, give within a year's time a total of at least $200. That'll get you on all the major lists and you can even can find yourself on maps showing where contributors live.

Senator Chris Dodd: A Strong Public Option. "The ability to care for yourself and your loved ones and to live a long and healthy life shouldn't be a privilege. In this country, particularly in 2009, it must be a right. You shouldn't have to be well-off to get well."

The California insurer Anthem Blue Cross -- a subsidiary of the insurance giant WellPoint -- today blasted out an email to its customers, attacking the Democrats' health reform plans and asking customers to help fight them. Poor health care insurance giants.

Limbaugh Congratulates Himself On Kennedy Death Prediction What an idiot.

Shirley Rish of Mesa, Ariz., met with an orthopedic specialist earlier this month hoping for relief from some pain in her wrist. Instead, she received an unwanted dose of politics. She told her doctor "I'm not stupid."

Whole Foods CEO: "The Whole Foods Alternative To ObamaCare" -- Just Eat Whole Foods! However, for those of you who are tempted to follow Mackey's advice (and can afford it!) be warned: not all of the foods found at Whole Foods will actually make you healthy. Whole Foods has taken an outspoken stance against healthcare reform.

Two unions have now joined in the growing chorus decrying Whole Foods' CEO John Mackey and suggesting a boycott of the store. Two weeks ago, Mackey penned a controversial op-ed in the Wall Street Journal offering the "Whole Foods alternative to ObamaCare." Okay, I'll admit it. That term "ObamaCare" really gets my goat. Which, I guess, is what makes it so good (in a political sense).

Michael Pollan: I’ll Still Shop at Whole Foods

There are special interest groups trying to block progress on health care reform by using myths and scare tactics. Like the notion that health care reform would ration your care, hurt Medicare or be a government takeover. Actually, these are false statements. A Myth vs. Fact sheet. The AARP is on the right side of the facts, but they are being protested because their constituency (senior citizens) is a key group opposed to health care reform. This sheet tries to share the truth and that it's not about "drinking the Obama cool-aid."

At a town hall meeting Wednesday Sen. Jim Inhofe told Chickasha residents he does not need to read the 1,000 page health care reform bill, he will simply vote against it. They admit it in broad daylight: they don't care whether it does harm or good. In fact, they know darn well health care reform will help a lot of people. And they don't care.

Mike Enzi, one of three Republicans ostensibly negotiating health care reform as part of the Senate's "Gang of Six," told a Wyoming town hall crowd that he had no plans to compromise with Democrats and was merely trying to extract concessions. Time to stop negotiating, don't you think?

[EarthToDave] It's not ObamaCare, it's HEALTH care. That said, no more FOXNewsCare, no more LimbaughCare - PUBLIC OPTION NOW!

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