We had over 80 really good articles submitted for this edition.
Editor favorites have "*" on them.
David B. Bohl presents The End of the 40 - Hour Work Week : Slow Down Fast Today!posted at Slow Down Fast Today!, saying, "“Three of the four traditional pillars of work—the living wage, long-term relationships with loyal employers, and government- or company-provided pensions—have already gone the way of the dinosaurs, leaving only the 40-hour workweek.”"
*David presents How Much Money do Americans Make? posted at Worldwide Success.
Raymond presents Get a Higher Interest Rate for The Idle Cash In Your Brokerage Account | Money Blue Book posted at Money Blue Book.
Joy Miller presents Online MBA - Top 25 Best Buys posted at Online College Blog, saying, "Online MBA - Top 25 Best Buys: Find out which Online MBA programs have the lowest tuition costs."
Jimmy Atkinson presents 25 Ways to Earn More and Work Less posted at Ask the Advisor.
Michael@TSM presents Fall TSM Travel Writing Contest: Win $125! posted at Traveling Stories Magazine.
*nickel presents Mobile Money: Five Tips For Managing Your Finances on the Go posted at fivecentnickel.com
Tracy Coenen presents Bank of America cheating 80-year-old woman out of her money posted at FRAUDfiles.
*paidtwice presents Surveys For Fun and Pocket Change | I've Paid For This Twice Already... posted at I've Paid For This Twice Already..., saying, "A plethora of free survey sites to make you some extra cash :)"
Logan Flatt, CFA presents How to Get Ahead In America (2nd of a 12-Part Series) posted at PowerWealth.com, saying, "If there is one refusal that has been central to my financial success in America, I would say this is it."
Wanda Grindstaff presents Wealth and Freedom - Get Clear on What they Really Mean! posted at Creating Abundant Lifestyles.
Jason Elder presents Personal Loans With Bankruptcy posted at A Bankruptcy Lawyer's Blog, saying, "Here I discuss a few things you may not know when dismissing personal loans in your bankruptcy"
Danogo presents The Ultimate Band Guide to Building a Myspace Music Community posted at Danogo.com - Discover. Inspiring . Media, saying, "Teaches people how to make money online in their spare time by selling songs and music on myspace."
Aaron Wakling presents Credit Checks - What They Are And What You Need To Know posted at The Credit & Credit Card Blog, saying, "Credit checks involve sensitive personal data. Therefore, many people are concerned about precisely who they’ve entrusted with their records. Fortunately, the Fair Credit Reporting Act has established unambiguous rules governing credit checks."
*Dhawal presents The Fundas of Funds posted at After-Grad.com.
karyn presents Stop Saving for College! posted at Finance 123, saying, "Don't save for your children's college until your own retirement is secure. This post will explain why this is important."
Jerry presents I have $100,000,000,000 and yet I can’t retire posted at The Politics of Debt, saying, "The value of the dollar, your work, your money and everything else"
*Roshawn Watson presents Two Financial Questions You SHOULD Ask Your Friends posted at Watson Inc, saying, "Strife over money has severed many good relationships. When it comes to discussing finances, avoidance is understandably our medicine of choice, especially when friends are involved. However, perhaps avoidance is not the best strategy"
Joy Miller presents Cornell University offers 19 online programs posted at Online College Blog, saying, "If you are looking for a way to increase your knowledge and improve your resume, you may want to consider Cornell University. Promising “Ivy League Excellence, Online Convenience,” Cornell University has the “most comprehensive, online professional and executive development curriculum offered by any top-20 university in the United States” (eCornell, 2007)."
blue skelton presents wesabe posted at News Syndicated, saying, "Chat, chill pay the bills. Wesabe. Geezeo. Mint. They sound more like spices than financial tools. But don't let the odd labels turn you off. These sites are revolutionizing computer-based money management"
Raymond presents Thinking of Having a Baby? Reserve That Domain Name Before It’s Too Late posted at Money Blue Book, saying, "Not sure what category this would go under, but I think it's an issue that should be part of one's life plans."
Abel Cheng presents Teaching Kids About Money and Finances: An Interview posted at Parent Wonder.
Kim Staudenraus presents What Is The Definition of Rich? posted at Kim Staudenraus . com, saying, "What really makes us wealthy"
Kurt Brouwer presents $57.9 Trillion -- American Net Worth posted at Fundmastery Blog, saying, "American net worth just hit $57.9 trillion."
*Kevin Surbaugh presents What Did My Parents Teach Me About Money posted at Becoming & Staying Debt Free.
KCLau presents Build your Financial Dream House with a Financial Consultant posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Architects design and build real houses. Similarly, financial planners design and build your financial house."
Brian Thibault presents Top 100 Luxury Blogs posted at International Listings Blog, saying, "Top 100 Luxury Blogs"
James presents Payday Loan Tips and Tricks posted at Payday Loan Cheapskate.
Madeleine Begun Kane presents SCHIP Haiku posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
Steve Faber presents - Types of Student Loans – How to Compare Student Loans posted at DebtBlog.
S. Palmer presents The richer get richer while the poor get poorer posted at Mystic Eye.
Jon presents Teaching Children About Money posted at Smart Money Daily, saying, "My wife and I had always planned to teach our daughter about money at a very early age, and by the time she’s in middle school (or late elementary, even) we want her to be making most, if not all, of her financial decisions on her own."
The Happy Rock presents Book Review : The Quiet Millionaire by Brett Wilder posted at The Happy Rock, saying, "Book Review of the Quiet Millionaire"
David presents What are Venture Capitalists looking for? posted at Gaizer.com, saying, "Seed Financing: Here, venture capitalists fund entrepreneurs in the idea stage, when a company has not yet produced a product or service and is building its management team. You should expect to receive capital under $50,000."
mariette presents No Time For Retirement Planning? posted at The Boulevard to Retirement.
Shadox presents Price Gouging is a Good Thing posted at Money and Such, saying, "It's really popular to complain about price gouging these days. Here is why price gouging is a good thing."
Raymond presents Prevent Your Frequent Flyer Miles From Expiring posted at Money Blue Book.
*Larry Russell presents Avoiding financial advisor and investment counselor frauds and scams - Overview posted at THE SKILLED INVESTOR Blog, saying, "The best way to avoid being defrauded or scammed by a financial or investment advisor is to investigate carefully several different advisers before hiring one of them. If you carefully choose a financial adviser or investment counselor, you have a far greater chance of finding one who is objective, competent, and ethical. This could help you to avoid significant problems in the future."
Mr Credit Card presents Toy R Us Credit Card Review posted at Ask Mr Credit Card's Blog.
Raymond presents I've Been Receiving A Lot of Investment Spam posted at Money Blue Book.
*WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com presents Balanced Mutual Funds should be illegal posted at WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, saying, "Save money on mutual fund management fees by creting your own balanced portfolio with a blend of pure mandates."
The Dividend Guy presents Top 8 Other Ways to Save Money on Your Investments posted at The Dividend Guy Blog.
Larry Russell presents Understand the confusing securities market motion picture posted at THE SKILLED INVESTOR Blog, saying, "Securities markets are usually very quick to adjust prices to reflect new information. However, this price adjustment process may take longer and be more volatile, if the new information is ambiguous."
*Shawn Edwards presents The Investments That You Know About, but Choose to Ignore | Desty Online posted at Desty Online.
David presents Analyzing the Deal, What are Investors looking for? posted at Gaizer.com, saying, "When investors evaluate the opportunity you present, they will look at the following factors"Dax Desai presents How to Decide whether to Invest for Growth vs Income posted at Dax Desai, saying, "Choosing to invest for growth vs income"
Bentley Humphreys presents How to invest in real estate in a market downturn -- real estate diversification posted at boozwatt.com, saying, "There's money to be made no matterwhat the condition of the real estate market is. Here's how."
Pinyo Bhulipongsanon presents Changing My 401k Asset Allocation posted at Moolanomy, saying, "Discussion about reallocating assets in my 401k to add bonds position to the portfolio."
*plonkee presents my least bad and least good financial decisions posted at plonkee money, saying, "What to do, and what not to do. Learn from my mistakes."
WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com presents An Advanced Investment Strategy: "The Option Straddle" posted at WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, saying, "An advanced strategy employed using simultaneous call and put options to take advantage of price movements (in either direction) of a stock on pending material news."
Kurt Brouwer presents Chuck Jaffe ? MarketWatch Column on Financial Advisers posted at Fundmastery Blog, saying, "Working with a financial adviser is covered in this post"
John Crenshaw presents Pay Off Mortgage, Lose Tax Deduction? posted at Truthful Lending dot Com.
Phil B. presents Is it Time to Purchase Bank Foreclosed Properties? « Phil for Humanity posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, "With the increased number of mortgage defaults and decreased real estate values, it may be time to purchase an investment property soon. Exactly how soon is a debatable question, but many experts are guesstimating between the end of 2008 and first quarter of 2009."
Raymond presents The National Association of Realtor's Wacky Predictions posted at Money Blue Book.
Matthew Paulson presents Why the Real Estate Market Slowdown is great for Consumers posted at Getting Green.
Tim presents California HECM Activity Down posted at Reverse Mortgage Information.
Joshua Dorkin presents Buyer Beware: You Don’t Have to Use the Mortgage and Title Companies Affiliated with your Real Estate Broker. Make Sure You Shop Around! posted at Real Estate Investing For Real.
Dan Melson presents Wanting a More Expensive Property Than You Can Really Afford posted at Searchlight Crusade.
*mariette presents Getting/Refinancing a Mortgage in a Brave New World posted at The Boulevard to Retirement.
Raymond presents Good News For Vulture Investors - The Real Estate Market Continues to Crumble posted at Money Blue Book.
Frugal Panda presents 57 Creative Ideas to Save Money As a Pet Owner posted at Frugal Panda.
*Raymond presents The 3,000 Mile Oil Change Myth - Save Your Money posted at Money Blue Book.
Moneywalks presents Overcome your worst fear: Learn How to Save posted at moneywalks.
Save Money presents Step Five to getting Rid of Debt posted at How I Save Money.net.
*ChristianPF presents Do I need an Emergency Fund? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "How an emergency fund can make or break you financially."
Super Saver presents Time To Plan for 2007 IRA Contributions posted at My Wealth Builder.
David B. Bohl presents Money is Time: What?s Your Time Worth? posted at Slow Down Fast Today!, saying, "You probably think I just said, “Time is money,” but what I actually said was, “money is time.” They amount to the same thing, really, in some ways. But when you really stop to analyze the idea that money is time, wow. What a concept."
Ruth Mitchell presents Having it all through Creative Consumerism posted at Buy Outside the Box, saying, "Take this site and shop it!"
*ISPF presents "I'm Bored. I'll Go Shopping" posted at Grad Money Matters.
Kenneth presents LETS, Timebanks and other means of exchange | InvestorBlogger posted at InvestorBlogger, saying, "I thought this was interesting because of its potential to create alternative wealth for those without traditional wealth..."
Chris Kakaras presents How to Budget with an Irregular Income posted at ChrisKakaras.com.
*Beth Dargis presents Simplifying Halloween posted at My Simpler Life.
If you like my post, subscribe to My Feed
Editor favorites have "*" on them.
Earning Money
David B. Bohl presents The End of the 40 - Hour Work Week : Slow Down Fast Today!posted at Slow Down Fast Today!, saying, "“Three of the four traditional pillars of work—the living wage, long-term relationships with loyal employers, and government- or company-provided pensions—have already gone the way of the dinosaurs, leaving only the 40-hour workweek.”"
*David presents How Much Money do Americans Make? posted at Worldwide Success.
Raymond presents Get a Higher Interest Rate for The Idle Cash In Your Brokerage Account | Money Blue Book posted at Money Blue Book.
Joy Miller presents Online MBA - Top 25 Best Buys posted at Online College Blog, saying, "Online MBA - Top 25 Best Buys: Find out which Online MBA programs have the lowest tuition costs."
Jimmy Atkinson presents 25 Ways to Earn More and Work Less posted at Ask the Advisor.
Michael@TSM presents Fall TSM Travel Writing Contest: Win $125! posted at Traveling Stories Magazine.
Everything Else Finance
*nickel presents Mobile Money: Five Tips For Managing Your Finances on the Go posted at fivecentnickel.com
Tracy Coenen presents Bank of America cheating 80-year-old woman out of her money posted at FRAUDfiles.
*paidtwice presents Surveys For Fun and Pocket Change | I've Paid For This Twice Already... posted at I've Paid For This Twice Already..., saying, "A plethora of free survey sites to make you some extra cash :)"
Logan Flatt, CFA presents How to Get Ahead In America (2nd of a 12-Part Series) posted at PowerWealth.com, saying, "If there is one refusal that has been central to my financial success in America, I would say this is it."
Wanda Grindstaff presents Wealth and Freedom - Get Clear on What they Really Mean! posted at Creating Abundant Lifestyles.
Jason Elder presents Personal Loans With Bankruptcy posted at A Bankruptcy Lawyer's Blog, saying, "Here I discuss a few things you may not know when dismissing personal loans in your bankruptcy"
Danogo presents The Ultimate Band Guide to Building a Myspace Music Community posted at Danogo.com - Discover. Inspiring . Media, saying, "Teaches people how to make money online in their spare time by selling songs and music on myspace."
Aaron Wakling presents Credit Checks - What They Are And What You Need To Know posted at The Credit & Credit Card Blog, saying, "Credit checks involve sensitive personal data. Therefore, many people are concerned about precisely who they’ve entrusted with their records. Fortunately, the Fair Credit Reporting Act has established unambiguous rules governing credit checks."
*Dhawal presents The Fundas of Funds posted at After-Grad.com.
karyn presents Stop Saving for College! posted at Finance 123, saying, "Don't save for your children's college until your own retirement is secure. This post will explain why this is important."
Jerry presents I have $100,000,000,000 and yet I can’t retire posted at The Politics of Debt, saying, "The value of the dollar, your work, your money and everything else"
*Roshawn Watson presents Two Financial Questions You SHOULD Ask Your Friends posted at Watson Inc, saying, "Strife over money has severed many good relationships. When it comes to discussing finances, avoidance is understandably our medicine of choice, especially when friends are involved. However, perhaps avoidance is not the best strategy"
Joy Miller presents Cornell University offers 19 online programs posted at Online College Blog, saying, "If you are looking for a way to increase your knowledge and improve your resume, you may want to consider Cornell University. Promising “Ivy League Excellence, Online Convenience,” Cornell University has the “most comprehensive, online professional and executive development curriculum offered by any top-20 university in the United States” (eCornell, 2007)."
blue skelton presents wesabe posted at News Syndicated, saying, "Chat, chill pay the bills. Wesabe. Geezeo. Mint. They sound more like spices than financial tools. But don't let the odd labels turn you off. These sites are revolutionizing computer-based money management"
Raymond presents Thinking of Having a Baby? Reserve That Domain Name Before It’s Too Late posted at Money Blue Book, saying, "Not sure what category this would go under, but I think it's an issue that should be part of one's life plans."
Abel Cheng presents Teaching Kids About Money and Finances: An Interview posted at Parent Wonder.
Kim Staudenraus presents What Is The Definition of Rich? posted at Kim Staudenraus . com, saying, "What really makes us wealthy"
Kurt Brouwer presents $57.9 Trillion -- American Net Worth posted at Fundmastery Blog, saying, "American net worth just hit $57.9 trillion."
*Kevin Surbaugh presents What Did My Parents Teach Me About Money posted at Becoming & Staying Debt Free.
KCLau presents Build your Financial Dream House with a Financial Consultant posted at KCLau's Money Tips, saying, "Architects design and build real houses. Similarly, financial planners design and build your financial house."
Brian Thibault presents Top 100 Luxury Blogs posted at International Listings Blog, saying, "Top 100 Luxury Blogs"
James presents Payday Loan Tips and Tricks posted at Payday Loan Cheapskate.
Madeleine Begun Kane presents SCHIP Haiku posted at Mad Kane's Political Madness.
Steve Faber presents - Types of Student Loans – How to Compare Student Loans posted at DebtBlog.
S. Palmer presents The richer get richer while the poor get poorer posted at Mystic Eye.
Jon presents Teaching Children About Money posted at Smart Money Daily, saying, "My wife and I had always planned to teach our daughter about money at a very early age, and by the time she’s in middle school (or late elementary, even) we want her to be making most, if not all, of her financial decisions on her own."
The Happy Rock presents Book Review : The Quiet Millionaire by Brett Wilder posted at The Happy Rock, saying, "Book Review of the Quiet Millionaire"
David presents What are Venture Capitalists looking for? posted at Gaizer.com, saying, "Seed Financing: Here, venture capitalists fund entrepreneurs in the idea stage, when a company has not yet produced a product or service and is building its management team. You should expect to receive capital under $50,000."
mariette presents No Time For Retirement Planning? posted at The Boulevard to Retirement.
Shadox presents Price Gouging is a Good Thing posted at Money and Such, saying, "It's really popular to complain about price gouging these days. Here is why price gouging is a good thing."
Raymond presents Prevent Your Frequent Flyer Miles From Expiring posted at Money Blue Book.
*Larry Russell presents Avoiding financial advisor and investment counselor frauds and scams - Overview posted at THE SKILLED INVESTOR Blog, saying, "The best way to avoid being defrauded or scammed by a financial or investment advisor is to investigate carefully several different advisers before hiring one of them. If you carefully choose a financial adviser or investment counselor, you have a far greater chance of finding one who is objective, competent, and ethical. This could help you to avoid significant problems in the future."
Mr Credit Card presents Toy R Us Credit Card Review posted at Ask Mr Credit Card's Blog.
Jimmy Atkinson presents A Beginner's Guide to Investing in Art posted at Ask the Advisor.Raymond presents I've Been Receiving A Lot of Investment Spam posted at Money Blue Book.
*WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com presents Balanced Mutual Funds should be illegal posted at WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, saying, "Save money on mutual fund management fees by creting your own balanced portfolio with a blend of pure mandates."
The Dividend Guy presents Top 8 Other Ways to Save Money on Your Investments posted at The Dividend Guy Blog.
Larry Russell presents Understand the confusing securities market motion picture posted at THE SKILLED INVESTOR Blog, saying, "Securities markets are usually very quick to adjust prices to reflect new information. However, this price adjustment process may take longer and be more volatile, if the new information is ambiguous."
*Shawn Edwards presents The Investments That You Know About, but Choose to Ignore | Desty Online posted at Desty Online.
David presents Analyzing the Deal, What are Investors looking for? posted at Gaizer.com, saying, "When investors evaluate the opportunity you present, they will look at the following factors"Dax Desai presents How to Decide whether to Invest for Growth vs Income posted at Dax Desai, saying, "Choosing to invest for growth vs income"
Bentley Humphreys presents How to invest in real estate in a market downturn -- real estate diversification posted at boozwatt.com, saying, "There's money to be made no matterwhat the condition of the real estate market is. Here's how."
Pinyo Bhulipongsanon presents Changing My 401k Asset Allocation posted at Moolanomy, saying, "Discussion about reallocating assets in my 401k to add bonds position to the portfolio."
*plonkee presents my least bad and least good financial decisions posted at plonkee money, saying, "What to do, and what not to do. Learn from my mistakes."
WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com presents An Advanced Investment Strategy: "The Option Straddle" posted at WhereDoesAllMyMoneyGo.com, saying, "An advanced strategy employed using simultaneous call and put options to take advantage of price movements (in either direction) of a stock on pending material news."
Kurt Brouwer presents Chuck Jaffe ? MarketWatch Column on Financial Advisers posted at Fundmastery Blog, saying, "Working with a financial adviser is covered in this post"
Real Estate & Mortgage
Sam presents How to Save on a Home Mortgage Loan, Mortgage Refinancing, Second Mortgage Loan. posted at Surfer Sam and Friends, saying, "How to Save Money on a Home Mortgage Loan.John Crenshaw presents Pay Off Mortgage, Lose Tax Deduction? posted at Truthful Lending dot Com.
Phil B. presents Is it Time to Purchase Bank Foreclosed Properties? « Phil for Humanity posted at Phil for Humanity, saying, "With the increased number of mortgage defaults and decreased real estate values, it may be time to purchase an investment property soon. Exactly how soon is a debatable question, but many experts are guesstimating between the end of 2008 and first quarter of 2009."
Raymond presents The National Association of Realtor's Wacky Predictions posted at Money Blue Book.
Matthew Paulson presents Why the Real Estate Market Slowdown is great for Consumers posted at Getting Green.
Tim presents California HECM Activity Down posted at Reverse Mortgage Information.
Joshua Dorkin presents Buyer Beware: You Don’t Have to Use the Mortgage and Title Companies Affiliated with your Real Estate Broker. Make Sure You Shop Around! posted at Real Estate Investing For Real.
Dan Melson presents Wanting a More Expensive Property Than You Can Really Afford posted at Searchlight Crusade.
*mariette presents Getting/Refinancing a Mortgage in a Brave New World posted at The Boulevard to Retirement.
Raymond presents Good News For Vulture Investors - The Real Estate Market Continues to Crumble posted at Money Blue Book.
Saving Money
Nadege presents Financially stAble posted at Financially stAble, saying, "The blog submission is from my September 20th post titled How to save like the wealthy."Frugal Panda presents 57 Creative Ideas to Save Money As a Pet Owner posted at Frugal Panda.
*Raymond presents The 3,000 Mile Oil Change Myth - Save Your Money posted at Money Blue Book.
Moneywalks presents Overcome your worst fear: Learn How to Save posted at moneywalks.
Save Money presents Step Five to getting Rid of Debt posted at How I Save Money.net.
*ChristianPF presents Do I need an Emergency Fund? posted at Money in the Bible | Christian Personal Finance Blog, saying, "How an emergency fund can make or break you financially."
Super Saver presents Time To Plan for 2007 IRA Contributions posted at My Wealth Builder.
David B. Bohl presents Money is Time: What?s Your Time Worth? posted at Slow Down Fast Today!, saying, "You probably think I just said, “Time is money,” but what I actually said was, “money is time.” They amount to the same thing, really, in some ways. But when you really stop to analyze the idea that money is time, wow. What a concept."
Raymond presents Get Cash Back When You Shop Online posted at Money Blue Book.Ruth Mitchell presents Having it all through Creative Consumerism posted at Buy Outside the Box, saying, "Take this site and shop it!"
*ISPF presents "I'm Bored. I'll Go Shopping" posted at Grad Money Matters.
Spending Wisely
FIRE Getters presents Rebuild Credit Score After Bankruptcy - Part 1 posted at FIRE Finance.Kenneth presents LETS, Timebanks and other means of exchange | InvestorBlogger posted at InvestorBlogger, saying, "I thought this was interesting because of its potential to create alternative wealth for those without traditional wealth..."
Chris Kakaras presents How to Budget with an Irregular Income posted at ChrisKakaras.com.
*Beth Dargis presents Simplifying Halloween posted at My Simpler Life.
TheMonthlyPick presents Trading stocks vs buying and holding posted at The Monthly Pick, saying, "Opinion article about investing in the stock market and frequency of trades. References one study from Haas professors and quotes a report from Berkshire Hathaway"That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of everything finance using our carnival submission form.
Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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carnival of everything finance, blog carnival.
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