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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Diet Eating Any Food You Like!

A lot of people think that if you're on a diet eating food you like is strictly off the menu. That's not true – in fact, if you're on a diet eating foods you like is utterly essential if you're going to stick with it and not give up from sheer distaste or total boredom!

It's not what food you're eating that affects your weight, but how much energy (and yes, that does mean calories) that food contains. An excess of certain kinds of food, like fat, may well affect your health and fitness, so of course you need a healthy balance, but purely from the point of view of how much weight you might put on or lose it makes no difference.

100 calories of carrots will have exactly the same effect on your weight as 100 calories of chocolate. You'll get a whole lot bigger helping of the carrots for 100 calories than you will of chocolate (which, depending on whether carrots are a kind of food you like, you may feel is a good thing... or you may not not!), but it's the amount of calories you're eating that affects your weight, and not the kind of food you get them from.

That means that even on a diet eating any kind of food you want is fine... as long as you don't exceed the calorie allowance that your diet gives you.

You don't need to give up every kind of food you like – just eat it in sufficient moderation that it doesn't wreck your chances of success. Don't let it sabotage the number of the calories you're taking in, though – just adapt your menu for the day to make quite sure you keep to your allowance.

If you find that hard to stick to, you might like to check out Achieve Your Perfect Weight – And Stay There! at for some support. Just because you're on a diet eating doesn't have to be a guilty pleasure – or a total misery!

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